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Noisy Quantum Gates model for simulating the noise of quantum devices.


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Noisy Quantum Gates Made at QMTS! Made at CERN! Made at CERN! Made at CERN!

Implementation of the Noisy Quantum Gates model, published in Di Bartolomeo, 2023. It is a novel method to simulate the noisy behaviour of quantum devices by incorporating the noise directly in the gates, which become stochastic matrices.


The documentation for Noisy Quantum Gates can be accessed on the website Read the Docs.

How to install


The Python version should be 3.9 or later. Find your Python version by typing python or python3 in the CLI. We recommend using the repo together with an IBM Quantum Lab account, as it necessary for circuit compilation with Qiskit in many cases.

Installation as a user

The library is available on the Python Package Index (PyPI) with pip install quantum-gates.

Installation as a contributor

For users who want to have control over the source code, we recommend the following installation.

  1. Clone the repository:
git clone
  1. Navigate to the project directory:
cd quantum_gates
  1. Create virtual environment

You can either use your IDE to set this up automatically or do it manually in the CLI.

python -m venv venv
source venv/bin/activate  # On Windows use `venv\Scripts\activate`

This saves your environment from pollution.

  1. Install the package in editable mode.
pip install -e .

This command installs the package in editable mode, allowing you to work directly with the source code. Any changes you make will be immediately available without the need to reinstall the package.


You can find this quickstart implemented in the tutorial notebook here.

Execute the following code in a script or notebook. Add your IBM token to by defining it as the variable IBM_TOKEN = "your_token". Optimally, you save your token in a separate file that is not in your version control system, so you are not at risk of accidentally revealing your access token.

# Standard libraries
import numpy as np
import json

# Qiskit
from qiskit import QuantumCircuit, transpile
from qiskit.visualization import plot_histogram

# Own library
from quantum_gates.simulators import MrAndersonSimulator
from quantum_gates.gates import standard_gates
from quantum_gates.circuits import EfficientCircuit, BinaryCircuit
from quantum_gates.utilities import DeviceParameters
from quantum_gates.utilities import setup_backend
IBM_TOKEN = "<your_token>"

We create a quantum circuit with Qiskit.

circ = QuantumCircuit(2,2)

We load the configuration from a json file or from code with

config = {
    "backend": {
        "hub": "ibm-q",
        "group": "open",
        "project": "main",
        "device_name": "ibm_kyiv"
    "run": {
        "shots": 1000,
        "qubits_layout": [0, 1],
        "psi0": [1, 0, 0, 0]

... and setup the Qiskit backend used for the circuit transpilation.

backend_config = config["backend"]
backend = setup_backend(Token=IBM_TOKEN, **backend_config)
run_config = config["run"]

This allows us to load the device parameters, which represent the noise of the quantum hardware.

qubits_layout = run_config["qubits_layout"]
device_param = DeviceParameters(qubits_layout)
device_param_lookup = device_param.__dict__()

Last, we perform the simulation ...

sim = MrAndersonSimulator(gates=standard_gates, CircuitClass=EfficientCircuit)

t_circ = transpile(

probs =
    level_opt = 0)

... and analyse the result.

plot_histogram(probs, bar_labels=False, legend=['Noisy Gates simulation'])

If you want to use a non-linear topology you must use the BinaryCircuit and slightly modify the code. First of all we modify the qubit layout to match the topology of the device.

config = {
    "run": {
        "shots": 1000,
        "qubits_layout": [0, 14],
        "psi0": [1, 0, 0, 0]

Then also the command to import the parameter device has to change in order to import all the information of all the qubits up to the one with the max indices.

device_param = DeviceParameters(list(np.arange(max(qubits_layout)+1)))
device_param_lookup = device_param.__dict__()

Last, we perform the simulation ...

sim = MrAndersonSimulator(gates=standard_gates, CircuitClass=BinaryCircuit)

t_circ = transpile(

probs =
    level_opt = 4)

... and analyse the result.

plot_histogram(probs, bar_labels=False, legend=['Noisy Gates simulation'])

Remember that the ouput of the simulator follows the Big-Endian order, if you want to switch to Little-Endian order, which is the standard for Qiskit, you can use the command

from quantum_gates.utilities import fix_counts

n_measured_qubit = 2
probs_little_endian = fix_counts(probs, n_measured_qubit)
plot_histogram(probs_little_endian, bar_labels=False, legend=['Noisy Gates simulation'])


We recommend to read the overview of the documentation as a 2-minute preparation. You can import the package modules as shown in the Quickstart:

from quantum_gates.simulators import MrAndersonSimulator
from quantum_gates.gates import standard_gates
from quantum_gates.circuits import EfficientCircuit
from quantum_gates.utilities import DeviceParameters, setup_backend


The main components are the gates, and the simulator. One can configure the gates with different pulse shapes, and the simulator with different circuit classes and backends. The circuit classes use a specific backend for the statevector simulation. The EfficientBackend has the same functionality as the StandardBackend, but is much more performant thanks to optimized tensor contraction algorithms. We also provide various quantum algorithms as circuits, and scripts to run the circuits with the simulator, the IBM simulator, and a real IBM backend. Last, all functionality is unit tested and one can get sample code from the unit tests.

Unit Tests

We recommend running the unit tests once you are finished with the setup of your environment. As some tests need access to IBM devices, you have to follow the steps outlined in Make sure that your token is active and you have accepted all license agreement with IBM in your IBM account. Before you run the tests, make sure that the device you are testing with (the on set in tests/simulation/ is available in your account and the device parameters are prepared in the tests/utility/device_parameters folder. In the future we might upgrade the tests and mock these dependencies.

Afer activating your virtual environment, you can run the tests from root with

python -m "pytest"

Using this command instead of just typing pytest will make sure that you are using the right Python version to run pytest. You can also just run a subset of the test, for example:

python -m pytest -k test_gates_noiseless_cnot_inv

How to contribute

Contributions are welcomed and should apply the usual git-flow: fork this repo, create a local branch named 'feature-...'. Commit often to ensure that each commit is easy to understand. Name your commits '[feature-...] Commit message.', such that it possible to differentiate the commits of different features in the main line. Request a merge to the mainline often. Contribute to the test suite and verify the functionality with the unit tests when using a different Python version or dependency versions. Please remember to follow the PEP 8 style guide, and add comments whenever it helps. You can run the linter with pylint .. The corresponding authors are happy to support you.


You may also want to create your own distribution and test it. Navigate to the repository in your CLI of choice. Build the wheel with the command python3 -m build --sdist --wheel . and navigate to the distribution with cd dist. Use ls to display the name of the wheel, and run pip install <filename>.whl with the correct filename. Now you can use your version of the library.

Building the documentation

The documentation for Noisy Quantum Gates is built using Sphinx and is hosted on ReadTheDocs. If you wish to build and view the documentation locally, follow these steps:

  1. Navigate to the docs directory:

From the root of the project, navigate to the docs folder:

cd docs
  1. Install the documentation requirements:
pip install -r requirements.txt

Note: It's recommended to perform this step in your virtual environment.

  1. Build the HTML documentation:

Use the make command to build the HTML version of the documentation:

make html
  1. View and check the documentation locally

Open the generated index.html file in your web browser to view the documentation:

open build/html/index.html      # On macOS
xdg-open build/html/index.html  # On Linux
start build\html\index.html     # On Windows (Command Prompt)

Or manually navigate to the build/html directory and open index.html with your preferred web browser.


Please cite the work using the following BibTex entry:

  title = {Noisy gates for simulating quantum computers},
  author = {Di Bartolomeo, Giovanni and Vischi, Michele and Cesa, Francesco and Wixinger, Roman and Grossi, Michele and Donadi, Sandro and Bassi, Angelo},
  journal = {Phys. Rev. Res.},
  volume = {5},
  issue = {4},
  pages = {043210},
  numpages = {19},
  year = {2023},
  month = {Dec},
  publisher = {American Physical Society},
  doi = {10.1103/PhysRevResearch.5.043210},
  url = {}


This project has been developed thanks to the effort of the following people:


Noisy Quantum Gates model for simulating the noise of quantum devices.







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