Ruckig calculates a time-optimal trajectory given a target waypoint with position, velocity, and acceleration starting from any initial state limited by velocity, acceleration, and jerk constraints. Ruckig is a more powerful and open-source alternative to the Reflexxes Type IV library. In fact, Ruckig is a Type V trajectory generator. For robotics and machining applications, Ruckig allows both instant reactions to unforeseen events as well as simple offline trajectory planning.
Ruckig has no dependencies (except for testing). To build Ruckig using CMake, just run
mkdir -p build
cd build
cmake -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release ..
To install Ruckig in a system-wide directory, use (sudo) make install
. We recommend to include Ruckig as a directory within your project and call add_subdirectory(ruckig)
in your main CMakeLists.txt
. A python module can be built using the BUILD_PYTHON_MODULE
CMake flag.
Furthermore, a tutorial will explain the basics to include online generated trajectories within your application. A working example can be found in the examples
directory. A time-optimal trajectory for a single degree of freedom is shown in the figure below.
Ruckig provides three interface classes: the Ruckig, the InputParameter, and the OutputParameter class.
First, you'll need to create a Ruckig instance with the number of DoFs as a template parameter, and the control cycle in seconds in the constructor.
Ruckig<6> ruckig {0.001}; // Number DoFs; control cycle in [s]
The input type has 3 blocks of data: the current state, the target state and the corresponding dynamical limits.
InputParameter<6> input; // Number DoFs
input.current_position = {0.2, ...};
input.current_velocity = {0.1, ...};
input.current_acceleration = {0.1, ...};
input.target_position = {0.5, ...};
input.target_velocity = {-0.1, ...};
input.target_acceleration = {0.2, ...};
input.max_velocity = {0.4, ...};
input.max_acceleration = {1.0, ...};
input.max_jerk = {4.0, ...};
OutputParameter<6> output; // Number DoFs
Given all input and output resources, we can iterate over the trajectory at each discrete time step. For most applications, this loop must run within a real-time thread and controls the actual hardware.
while (otg.update(input, output) == Result::Working) {
// Make use of the new dynamic state here!
input.current_position = output.new_position;
input.current_velocity = output.new_velocity;
input.current_acceleration = output.new_acceleration;
During your update step, you'll need to copy the new dynamic state into the current state. If the current state is not the expected, pre-calculated trajectory, ruckig will calculate a new trajectory with the new input. When the trajectory has finished, the update
function will return Result::Finished
To go into more detail, the InputParameter type has following members:
using Vector = std::array<double, DOFs>;
Vector current_position;
Vector current_velocity; // Initialized to zero
Vector current_acceleration; // Initialized to zero
Vector target_position;
Vector target_velocity; // Initialized to zero
Vector target_acceleration; // Initialized to zero
Vector max_velocity;
Vector max_acceleration;
Vector max_jerk;
std::array<bool, DOFs> enabled; // Initialized to true
std::optional<double> minimum_duration;
std::optional<Vector> min_velocity; // If not given, the negative maximum velocity will be used.
The members are implemented using the C++ standard libraries array
and optional
type. Note that there are some range constraints due to numerical reasons, you can read below for more details. To check the input in front of a calculation step, the ruckig.validate_input(input)
method returns false
if an input is not valid. Of course, the target state needs to be within the given dynamic limits. Additionally, the target acceleration needs to fulfill
target_acceleration <= Sqrt(2 * max_jerk * (max_velocity - Abs(target_velocity)))
If a DoF is not enabled, it will be ignored in the calculation. A minimum duration can be optionally given. Furthermore, the minimum velocity can be specified. If it is not given, the negative maximum velocity will be used (similar to the acceleration and jerk limits). For example, this might be useful in human robot collaboration settings with a different velocity limit towards a human.
The update
function of the Ruckig class returns a Result type that indicates the current state of the algorithm. Currently, this can either be working, finished if the trajectory has finished, or an error type if something went wrong during calculation. The result type can be compared as a standard integer.
State | Error Code |
Working | 0 |
Finished | 1 |
Error | -1 |
ErrorInvalidInput | -100 |
ErrorTrajectoryDuration | -101 |
ErrorExecutionTimeCalculation | -110 |
ErrorSynchronizationCalculation | -111 |
The output class gives the new dynamical state of the trajectory.
std::array<double, DOFs> new_position;
std::array<double, DOFs> new_velocity;
std::array<double, DOFs> new_acceleration;
bool new_calculation; // Whether a new calactuion was performed in the last cycle
double calculation_duration; // Duration of the calculation in the last cycle [µs]
Trajectory trajectory; // The current trajectory
double time; // The current, auto-incremented time. Resetted to 0 at a new calculation.
Moreover, the trajectory class has a range of usefull parameters and methods.
double duration; // Duration of the trajectory
std::array<double, DOFs> independent_min_durations; // Time-optimal profile for each independent DoF
<...> at_time(double time); // Get the kinematic state of the trajectory at a given time
<...> get_position_extrema(); // Returns information about the position extrema and their times
We refer to the API documentation for the exact signature.
The current test suite validates over random trajectories. The numerical exactness is tested for the final position and final velocity to be within 1e-8
, for the velocity, acceleration and jerk limit to be withing 1e-12
, and for the final acceleration as well to be within a numerical error of 1e-12
. The maximal supported trajectory duration is 7e3
, which sounds short but should suffice for most applications seeking for time-optimality. Note that Ruckig will also output values outside of this range, there is however no guarantee for correctness.
Ruckig is written in C++17. It is currently tested against following versions
- Doctest v2.4 (only for testing)
- Reflexxes v1.2 (only for comparison)
- Pybind11 v2.6 (only for python wrapper)
A publication will follow soon ;)