Hello, I'm Pandega Abyan Zumarsyah, a seasoned software engineer with experience in various programming languages and frameworks related to web development, machine learning, and more. Currently, I'm pursuing a Master's in Information Technology at Universitas Gadjah Mada and conducting research on Medical Image Processing.
- Fields: Web Development β β β β β | Machine/Deep Learning β β β β β | Image Processing β β β β β | Android β β β ββ
- Languages: SQL β β β β β | Python β β β β β | JavaScript/Typescript β β β β β | Go β β β β β | C/C++ β β β ββ | Kotlin β β β ββ
- Frameworks: PyTorch β β β β β | React β β β β β | TensorFlow β β β β β | Express β β β β β | Gin β β β β β | Flask β β β β β
Email: pandegaabyanzumarsyah@mail.ugm.ac.id | LinkedIn: Pandega Abyan Zumarsyah | ResearchGate: Pandega Zumarsyah