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Daniel Berenguer edited this page Apr 13, 2015 · 1 revision


SWAP queries are used to request information about remote registers. Any device receiving a SWAP query must respond with a SWAP status packet containing information about the queried register. This class controls everything related to queries: construction and transmission.

Public constructor

     * SWQUERY
     * Class constructor
     * 'destAddr'   Destination address
     * 'rAddr'      Register address
     * 'rId'        Register id
    SWQUERY(byte destAddr, byte rAddr, byte rId);

The rest of arguments and methods are heritaded from the SWPACKET class.


  // Create SWAP query packet, to be sent to the device with address 7
  SWQUERY query = SWQUERY(7, 7, 11);

  // Send SWAP query to device address = 7, register id = 11

Anti Swap

API for Anti Swap

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