- Package version(s): @blueprintjs/datetime@4.3.1
- Browser and OS versions: Any
Feature request
It would be helpful if all the helper functions in the datetime package were exported by the package.
One great feature about Blueprint is its composition of smaller, more-specific components into larger, more general ones, so that if users want to customize components, they can use the smaller components instead of the larger ones. I've found myself in this scenario, where I wish to customize a lot of the more generic components provided by Blueprint. In particular, I wish to create my own DateInput
and DateRangeInput
, but I'd like to build off the existing source code as much as possible. However, the source code uses a lot of non-exported helper methods, such as getFormattedDateString
from dateFormat
, or others from datePickerCore
. You can see this usage here and here.
Some of these are already exported, such as the DateUtils
. It would be nice if the rest were exported as well.