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Releases: pal1000/mesa-dist-win

21 Dec 21:40
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  • Update Mesa3D to 17.3.1.
  • Information about build environment and configuration is available here

User guide

  • Expanded installation and usage section.
  • Created a package contents section.
  • Split tutorial about environment variables in its own section as it is relevant for both swr driver and manual GL context configuration.
  • Add a swr driver use example.

Build script documentation

  • Visual Studio components related enhancement.


  • Add a detailed report about build environment and configuration.

09 Dec 10:15
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This is the first release of Mesa3D with built-in S3TC support so there is no dxtn.dll anymore. I enabled S3TC texture cache as always as integration made no change on that front. See Mesa3D release notes for details.

  • LLVM and Mesa3D were built with Visual Studio 2017 v15.5.1.

Build script

  • Use a simple python script to update all python modules. Don't load python scripts in PATH. Things might work fine regardless.

Build script documentation

  • Update Visual Studio 2017 list of components needed to build Mesa and LLVM.

Usage documentation

  • OpenGL 4.6 context handling landed in Mesa 17.3.

26 Nov 18:21
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  • Updated Mesa to 17.2.6.
  • Built with Visual Studio 2017 v15.4.4 and Scons 3.0.1.

Build script

  • Python modules update: pip freeze is seriously broken. Always use pip install -U. setuptools wasn't updated at all due to pip freeze shortcomings. Also Scons 3.0.1 wasn't picked up despite being live on Pypi.
  • Python modules: wheel is no longer needed.

Build script documentation

  • Workaround a pywin32 installer bug.
  • Updating setuptools pre-loaded with Python allows for successful installation of Scons via Pypi without having to install wheel.

11 Nov 16:01
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  • Updated Mesa3D to 17.2.5.
  • Built LLVM and Mesa3D with Visual Studio 2017 v15.4.3.

Build script

  • Mesa3D version and branch detection code cleanup.

Build script documentation

  • S3TC integration landed in Mesa 17.3.

30 Oct 20:48
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  • Updated Mesa3D to 17.2.4.
  • Built LLVM and Mesa3D with Visual Studio 2017 v15.4.1.
  • Built S3TC with Mingw-w64 standalone GCC 7.2.0.

Build script

  • Fix Mesa version detection logic epic fail with release candidates.
  • Dead variables clean-up.
  • Load Visual Studio environment only when building LLVM with Ninja.
  • S3TC build: If both MSYS2 and standalone Mingw-W64 are installed let the user pick which to use.
  • S3TC MSYS2 build: prefer 64-bit MSYS2 over 32-bit if both installed.

Build script documentation

  • S3TC build with standalone Mingw-w64 is no longer deprecated. GCC 7.2 update finally took place.
  • You are now asked which flavor of Mingw-W64 to use when building S3TC if both MSYS2 and standalone are installed.

20 Oct 14:02
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  • Updated Mesa3D to 17.2.3.
  • Built S3TC with MSYS2 Mingw-w64 GCC 7.2.0.
  • Built LLVM 5.0 and Mesa with Visual Studio 2017 v15.4.0.

Deployment utility

  • Made easy to swap osmesa variants.
  • Check before attempting to create symbolic links. Avoid harmless errors which may be confusing.

Build script

  • Drop S3TC build if Mesa master source code is detected. S3TC is now built-in. Texture cache enabling patch is still needed though.
  • Python modules updating: use both pip install -U explicitly and pip freeze in a hybrid approach for most optimal behavior.
  • Improved PATH cleanning.
  • Support building S3TC with MSYS2 Mingw-W64 GCC by default. They fixed their problem with 32-bit binaries when they upgraded to GCC 7.2.0 (Alexpux/MINGW-packages#2271).
  • Drop suport for Visual Studio 2015 completely. It survived so long due to Scons 3.0.0 issues.
  • Mesa build without git workaround: git_sha1.h was generated in an incorrect location during 64-bit builds.
  • Drop Scons 3.0.0 compatibility patch. It landed in Mesa 17.2.3.
  • Allow building Mesa without git since Scons 3.0.0 compatibility patch landed in Mesa stable.

Build script documentation

  • MSYS2 Mingw-w64 is now the preferred method to build S3TC.
  • Visual Studio 2017 is now required to build LLVM and Mesa3D.

02 Oct 20:17
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  • Updated Mesa3D to 17.2.2.
  • Built with Scons 3.0.0. Made use of a compatibility patch.
  • Built LLVM 5.0 and Mesa3D with Visual Studio 2017 v15.3.5.

Build script

  • Fixed python modules update check. Always check if mako not found, ask otherwise.
  • Made build script aware of Mesa branches, helps with patches applicability narrowing.
  • Add Scons 3.0.0 compatibility patch to Mesa3D Git-powered auto-patches.
    Only apply it to Mesa stable, patch is upstream now.
  • Determine Mesa branch even if it is not built. Preparation for S3TC merger.
  • Ensure auto-patching is done once and only once.
  • Look for Git before trying to patch. It is pointless if it is not found.
  • This script won't find Scons if it isn't in a certain relative location to it.
    Addressed this by fixing scons locating when Python it's in PATH right from the beginning.
  • Added Scons to python update checking and auto-install. Depends on wheel.
    1 less dependency requiring manual installation.
  • Halt execution if Mesa is missing and it can't be acquired or its acquiring is refused by user.
  • Drop LLVM 5.0 compatibility patch. Patch is upstream in all active branches.

Build script documentation

  • There is a compatibility fix for Scons 3.0.0.
  • Scons can now be acquired by build script automatically. Depends on wheel.
  • Git version control is now mandatory due to compatibility with latest Scons needing a patch.
  • Updated questions list asked by this script.

Known issues

  • Mesa build: Scons 3.0.0 always uses target architecture compiler when using cross-compiling environment. This may impact compilation performance when making 32-bit builds.

18 Sep 20:22
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  • Updated Mesa3D to 17.2.1;
  • Added OpenSWR support to deployment utility;
  • Built Mesa3D with LLVM 5.0 using a patch which adds support for it;
  • Built LLVM with Visual Studio 2017 v15.3.4;
  • Mesa3D build: updated Python to 2.7.14;
  • Build script: Always use a compiler that matches host architecture; previously CMake with MsBuild was always using 32-bit compiler throwing a warning in the process; ninja and Scons were using the compiler matching the build target architecture;
  • Build script: Support downloading Mesa code using Git, apply LLVM 5.0 support and S3TC texture cache enabling patches automatically using Git when possible;
  • Deployment utility and build script: 32-bit OpenSWR is unsupported;
  • Build script: Attempted restore of Visual Studio 2015 support; Visual Studio 2015 compatibility toolset for VS2017 should work fine; Visual Studio 2015 default toolset is untested;
  • Build script documentation: switch Mesa download link to HTTPS, info about LLVM 5.0 support auto-patch, S3TC texture cache auto-patching, unsupported 32-bit OpenSWR and build script wizard updates.

05 Sep 12:27
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  • Updated Mesa3D to 17.2.0;
  • Rebuilt LLVM 4.0.1 with Visual Studio 2017 v15.3.3;
  • Build script - show in title bar if building for x86 or x64;
  • Build script dependency cleanup - Visual Studio C/C++ standard library modules are not needed.

28 Aug 17:54
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  • Updated Mesa3D to 17.1.8;
  • Improve build script startup performance when no Internet connection is available. Regression from 7626fdb.