This library provides an API to manipulate the PageSeeder Markup Language (PSML).
Warning! this API is still incubating and parts of the API are likely to change in the near future.
The PSML model API provides a DOM-like structure to represent PSML data. It is primarily designed to simplify programming tasks rather than to act as a true representation of a PSML document.
// Create nodes
PSMLElement heading = new PSMLElement(Name.Heading);
heading.setAttribute("level", "1").setText("The title of this fragment");
PSMLElement para = new PSMLElement(Name.Para);
para.setText("Some sample paragraph.");
PSMLElement fragment = new PSMLElement(Name.Fragment);
fragment.setAttribute("id", 1).addNodes(heading, para);
// Serialisation to XML
XMLStringWriter xml = new XMLStringWriter(false);
This will result in the following PSML:
<fragment id="1">
<heading level="1">The title of this fragment</heading>
<para>Some sample paragraph.</para>
This library also provides a simple pluggable mechanism via a Service Provider Interface (SPI) to parse various formats into a PSML structure.
Example with markdown:
MarkdownParser parser = new MarkdownParser();
File markdown = new File("");
FileReader r = new FileReader(markdown)) {
PSMLElement psml = parser.parse();
PSML templates or template parts can easily be processed:
Processor p = new Processor();
File template = new File("document-template.psml");
File psml = new File("document-instance.psml");
// Initial properties for template
Map<String, String> values = new HashMap<String, String>();
values.put("title", "sample");
values.put("description", "A sample document for demo");
// process template with initial properties
p.process(template, psml, values);
To parse a template into memory:
TemplateFactory factory = new TemplateFactory();
File file = new File("document-template.psml");
Template template = factory.parse(file);