Hard to be more descriptive than that. It enriches the standard Minecraft menu with an interface displaying a one-dimensional array of modifications
A picture's worth 2 words
- Download and install MultiMC if you haven't already.
- If you haven't already, press "create instance", and press "import from zip", and paste the following URL into the text field: https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/666758878813487136/699323306637262928/fabric-alpha.zip
- Download ModMenu from the releases page.
- Click on your new MultiMC instance and click "edit instance" on the right. Click "loader mods" then "add", and navigate to the mod you just downloaded, and press OK.
- Mod Menu is on maven at: https://maven.fabricmc.net/io/github/prospector/modmenu/ModMenu/
- The icon comes from the icon specified in your fabric.mod.json (as per the spec)
- Clientside-only and API badges are defined as custom objects in your fabric.mod.json as such:
"custom": {
"modmenu:api": true,
"modmenu:clientsideOnly": true
- Mod parenting is used to display a mod as a child of another one. This is meant to be used for mods divided into different modules. The following element in a fabric.mod.json will define the mod as a child of the mod 'flamingo':
"custom": {
"modmenu:parent": "flamingo"
- ModMenuAPI
- To use the API, implement the ModMenuApi interface on a class and add that as an entry point of type "modmenu" in your fabric.mod.json as such:
"entrypoints": { "modmenu": [ "com.example.mod.ExampleModMenuApiImpl" ] }
- Features
- Mods can provide a Screen factory to provide a custom config screen to open with the config button. Implement the
method in your API implementation.
- Mods can provide a Screen factory to provide a custom config screen to open with the config button. Implement the