OCP Certificate Api - service for work and management of the certificate platform.
Field | Type | Description |
Id | Number | Unique id certificate |
UserId | Number | Id user to whom the certificate belongs |
Created | Timestamp | Certificate creation time |
Link | String | Link to certificate |
- git clone https://github.com/ozoncp/ocp-certificate-api.git
- cd ocp-certificate-api
make deps
make build
make start
make migrate
- or run in container cli interface
./ocp-certificate-api -migrate up
./ocp-certificate-api -migrate down
make deploy
make stop
docker rm -vf $(docker ps -a -q)
docker rmi -f $(docker images -a -q)
test/load/load pandora.yaml
- http://localhost:3000
- Auth
- Set dashboard:
- Configuration -> DataSources -> Add datasource -> Prometheus
- Set Url: http://localhost:9090
- Save & test
- Run to Explore page
- http://localhost:9000
- Auth
- admin/admin