- Istanbul GMT+3
- @oyilmaztekin
starchat-coding-assistan-cli Public
This project uses text generation model to serve as a helpful coding assistant
Python UpdatedDec 14, 2023 -
hierarchical-table-challange Public
A React App that creates tree from flat array and shows in table
bootstrap Public
Forked from twbs/bootstrapThe most popular HTML, CSS, and JavaScript framework for developing responsive, mobile first projects on the web.
react-suspense-course Public
Forked from chantastic/react-suspense-course -
react-native-awesome-starter Public
Forked from 738/react-native-awesome-starterreact-native initial development environment setting
website-1 Public
Forked from parcel-bundler/websiteπ Parcel website
vscode-undoc Public
An extension that detects undocumented functions and methods at the compile stage then generates its docs.
how-to-contribute-to-open-source Public
Forked from freeCodeCamp/how-to-contribute-to-open-sourceA guide to contributing to open source
elyface-SSR Public
Forked from elyface/elyface-SSRA react and Nextjs based, search-indexed SSR boilerplate and starter kits for publishers and news websites integrated with Blupoint CMS.
sf-extension-utils Public
Forked from smartface/sf-extension-utilsSmartface Native Framework extension that has useful utility classes to use in your applications
serverless-nextjs Public
Forked from TomiTakussaari/serverless-nextjsTesting out Next.JS with serverless framework
tc39-markdown-checker Public
a CI script that tracks changes of proposal status ( in progress )
website Public
Forked from babel/websiteπ The Babel documentation website
jest Public
Forked from jestjs/jestDelightful JavaScript Testing.
tc39-notes Public
Forked from rwaldron/tc39-notesTC39 Meeting Notes
react-toggle-button Public
Forked from gdowens/react-toggle-buttonIt's a toggle button β https://gdowens.github.io/react-toggle-button/
city-js-community Public
Forked from blackrabbit99/city-js-communityA curated list of the most solid cities JS(JavaScript) meetup communities
jsdoc Public
Forked from jsdoc/jsdocAn API documentation generator for JavaScript.
es6-class-to-function Public
This is a mini transpiler. It converts ES6 Class and its methods to ES5 Constructor Function with Prototype. Parses to AST from the string code, Transforms and Generates...