This is a mod for Hacknet that allows the user to use various debug commands
To report bugs or feature requests, open an issue in the issues section
Requires Hacknet Pathfinder:
- Search before opening, someone else may of opened it.
- Make sure that your game files aren't broken before
- Tell me how to replicate the bug.
Use this at your own risk, this may corrupt saves.
showFlags - Shows all the flags for save
addFlag - Adds a flag to the save: Usage: addFlag (FlagToAdd)
removeFlag - Removes a flag from the save: Usage: removeFlag (FlagToRemove)
authenticateToIRC - Shows IRC Authentication screen when you connect to IRC
addAgentToIRC - Adds an agent to IRC: Usage: addAgentToIRC (NameORIDORIP) (AgentName) (AgentPassword) (AgentColourRed) (AgentColourBlue) (AgentColourGreen)
setCompPorts - Sets the ports of the computer to what you input: Usage: setCompPorts (NameORIDORIP) (Port eg. 21,25,22,80 (This will remove all ports then add 21,25,22,80))
addSongChangerDaemon - Adds the song changer like the credits server had: Usage: addSongChanger (NameORIDORIP)
addRicerConnectDaemon - Adds the connect screen like ricer had: Usage: addRicerConnect (NameORIDORIP)
addDLCCreditsDaemon - Adds the dlc credits screen like Kaguya_Projects had: Usage: addDLCCredits (NameORIDIORIP)
addIRCDaemon - A bit buggy currently, this one will come in the stable release of 2.0
addISPDaemon - Adds the ISP Management like ISP Management Server had: Usage: addISPDaemon (NameORIPORID)
quit - Exits the game
deleteLogs - Auto deletes logs from the computer in argument 1: Usage: deleteLogs (NameORIPORID)
forkbombProof - Makes you forkbomb proof by setting your ram 1 above the forkbomb (1000000000) ram target
setTheme - Sets the theme to argument one: Usage: setTheme [THEME]
Valid Options: TerminalOnly,Blue,Teal,Yellow,Green,White,Purple,Mint,Colamaeleon,GreenCompact,Riptide,Riptide2
setCustomTheme - Sets the theme to a custom one, root path is Content/: Usage: setCustomTheme: (PathToTheme)
linkComputer - Links SourceIP to RemoteIP like when you do scan: Usage: linkComputer (SourceIP) (RemoteIP)
unlinkComputer - Unlinks SourceIP to RemoteIP: Usage: unlinkComputer (SourceIP) (RemoteIP)
loseAllNodes - Makes you lose all nodes except for your player computer
loseNode - Loses the node in argument 1: Usage: loseNode (IPORIDORName)
revealNode - Reveals the node in argument 1: Usage: revealNode (IPORIDORName)
removeComputer - Removes computer in argument 1: Usage: removeComputer (IPORIDORName)
resetIP - Resets the ip of the computer in argument 1 like when you do it in ISP server (This does not complete the ETAS, see resetPlayerCompIP): Usage: resetIP (IPORIDORName)
resetPlayerCompIP - Resets the player computer IP and completes ETAS
setIP - Sets the target computer to the IP in argument 2: Usage: setIP (IPORIDORName) (NewIP)
openAllPorts - Opens all ports on connected computer
bypassProxy - Disable proxy on connected computer
solveFirewall - Solves firewall on connected computer
getAdmin- Gives admin on connected computer
loseAdmin - Lose admin on connected computer
startDeathSeq - Starts ETAS
cancelDeathSeq - Stops ETAS
setHomeNodeServer - Sets home contracts server
setHomeAssetServer - Sets home assets server
debug - gives all executables in the game (You can't use port exploits that open unhackable ports)
revealAll - Reveals all computers in game save
addIRCMessage - Adds IRC Message to server: Usage: addIRCMessage (ComputerID) (Author) (Message)
strikerAttack - Starts Striker hack
themeAttack - Starts Naix hack
callThePoliceSoTheyCanTraceYou - 100 sec trace
reportYourselfToFBI - 20 sec trace
traceYourselfIn - However long you want trace: Usage: traceYourselfIn (TimeInSeconds)
warningFlash - Shows a warning flash
stopTrace - Stops a trace
hideDisplay - Hides display
hideNetMap - Hides NetMap
hideTerminal - Hides terminal (There is no way to get it back apart from restart the game)
hideRAM - Hides RAM
showDisplay - Shows display
showNetMap - Shows NetMap
showTerminal - Shows Terminal
showRAM - Shows RAM
getUniversalAdmin - Gets admin on every computer in game save
changeUserDetails - Changes admin password: Usage: changeUserDetails (OldUsername) (NewUsername) (NewPassword)
executeHack - Executes a hacker script (Put hacker scripts in Content/HackerScripts)
generateExampleAcademicRecord - Generates an example academic record
generateExampleMedicalRecord - Generates an example medical record
changeMusic - Changes music (Music must be .ogg and in Content/)
crashComputer - Crashes computer you are connected to
addProxy - adds proxy to computer you are connected to: Usage: addProxy (TimeInSeconds)
addFirewall - adds firewall to computer you are connected to: Usage: addFirewall (Solution) (Level) [AdditionalTime]
addUser - adds a user to computer you are connected to: Usage: addUser (Username) (Password)
openPort - Opens port on the computer you are connected to: Usage: openPort (PortToOpen)
closeAllPorts - Closes all ports on the computer you are connected to
closePort - Closes port on the computer you are connected to: Usage: closePort (PortToClose)
removeProxy - Removes proxy from the computer you are connected to
playSFX - Plays a sound effect, root directory is Content: Usage: playSFX (PathToSoundEffect eg. SFX/EmailSound.xnb)
deleteWhitelistDLL - Deletes authenticator.dll from a whitelist server or whitelist protected server: Usage: DeleteWhitelistDLL (IPOrIDOrName)
addComputer - Adds a computer on the fly: Usage: addComputer (Name) (IP) (SecurityLevel) (CompType) (ID)
getMoreRAM - Sets available RAM to 2048
setFaction - Sets faction according to argument one: setFaction entropy/csec/bibliotheque
tracedBehind250Proxies - Trace of 500 secs
disableEmailIcon - Disables the email icon like the Kaguya Trials
enableEmailIcon - Enables the email icon
nodeRestore - Restores nodes like when you click disable tracking in the dlc credits server
addWhiteCircle - Maybe addes the circle when each node is restored