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This is a mod for Hacknet that allows the user to use various debug commands

To report bugs or feature requests, open an issue in the issues section

Requires Hacknet Pathfinder:

How to report issues:

  1. Search before opening, someone else may of opened it.
  2. Make sure that your game files aren't broken before
  3. Tell me how to replicate the bug.


Use this at your own risk, this may corrupt saves.

Beta Commands:

showFlags - Shows all the flags for save

addFlag - Adds a flag to the save: Usage: addFlag (FlagToAdd)

removeFlag - Removes a flag from the save: Usage: removeFlag (FlagToRemove)

authenticateToIRC - Shows IRC Authentication screen when you connect to IRC

addAgentToIRC - Adds an agent to IRC: Usage: addAgentToIRC (NameORIDORIP) (AgentName) (AgentPassword) (AgentColourRed) (AgentColourBlue) (AgentColourGreen)

setCompPorts - Sets the ports of the computer to what you input: Usage: setCompPorts (NameORIDORIP) (Port eg. 21,25,22,80 (This will remove all ports then add 21,25,22,80))

addSongChangerDaemon - Adds the song changer like the credits server had: Usage: addSongChanger (NameORIDORIP)

addRicerConnectDaemon - Adds the connect screen like ricer had: Usage: addRicerConnect (NameORIDORIP)

addDLCCreditsDaemon - Adds the dlc credits screen like Kaguya_Projects had: Usage: addDLCCredits (NameORIDIORIP)

addIRCDaemon - A bit buggy currently, this one will come in the stable release of 2.0

addISPDaemon - Adds the ISP Management like ISP Management Server had: Usage: addISPDaemon (NameORIPORID)

quit - Exits the game

deleteLogs - Auto deletes logs from the computer in argument 1: Usage: deleteLogs (NameORIPORID)

forkbombProof - Makes you forkbomb proof by setting your ram 1 above the forkbomb (1000000000) ram target

New Commands:

setTheme - Sets the theme to argument one: Usage: setTheme [THEME]

Valid Options: TerminalOnly,Blue,Teal,Yellow,Green,White,Purple,Mint,Colamaeleon,GreenCompact,Riptide,Riptide2

setCustomTheme - Sets the theme to a custom one, root path is Content/: Usage: setCustomTheme: (PathToTheme)

linkComputer - Links SourceIP to RemoteIP like when you do scan: Usage: linkComputer (SourceIP) (RemoteIP)

unlinkComputer - Unlinks SourceIP to RemoteIP: Usage: unlinkComputer (SourceIP) (RemoteIP)

loseAllNodes - Makes you lose all nodes except for your player computer

loseNode - Loses the node in argument 1: Usage: loseNode (IPORIDORName)

revealNode - Reveals the node in argument 1: Usage: revealNode (IPORIDORName)

removeComputer - Removes computer in argument 1: Usage: removeComputer (IPORIDORName)

resetIP - Resets the ip of the computer in argument 1 like when you do it in ISP server (This does not complete the ETAS, see resetPlayerCompIP): Usage: resetIP (IPORIDORName)

resetPlayerCompIP - Resets the player computer IP and completes ETAS

setIP - Sets the target computer to the IP in argument 2: Usage: setIP (IPORIDORName) (NewIP)

Command List:

openAllPorts - Opens all ports on connected computer

bypassProxy - Disable proxy on connected computer

solveFirewall - Solves firewall on connected computer

getAdmin- Gives admin on connected computer

loseAdmin - Lose admin on connected computer

startDeathSeq - Starts ETAS

cancelDeathSeq - Stops ETAS

setHomeNodeServer - Sets home contracts server

setHomeAssetServer - Sets home assets server

debug - gives all executables in the game (You can't use port exploits that open unhackable ports)

revealAll - Reveals all computers in game save

addIRCMessage - Adds IRC Message to server: Usage: addIRCMessage (ComputerID) (Author) (Message)

strikerAttack - Starts Striker hack

themeAttack - Starts Naix hack

callThePoliceSoTheyCanTraceYou - 100 sec trace

reportYourselfToFBI - 20 sec trace

traceYourselfIn - However long you want trace: Usage: traceYourselfIn (TimeInSeconds)

warningFlash - Shows a warning flash

stopTrace - Stops a trace

hideDisplay - Hides display

hideNetMap - Hides NetMap

hideTerminal - Hides terminal (There is no way to get it back apart from restart the game)

hideRAM - Hides RAM

showDisplay - Shows display

showNetMap - Shows NetMap

showTerminal - Shows Terminal

showRAM - Shows RAM

getUniversalAdmin - Gets admin on every computer in game save

changeUserDetails - Changes admin password: Usage: changeUserDetails (OldUsername) (NewUsername) (NewPassword)

executeHack - Executes a hacker script (Put hacker scripts in Content/HackerScripts)

generateExampleAcademicRecord - Generates an example academic record

generateExampleMedicalRecord - Generates an example medical record

changeMusic - Changes music (Music must be .ogg and in Content/)

crashComputer - Crashes computer you are connected to

addProxy - adds proxy to computer you are connected to: Usage: addProxy (TimeInSeconds)

addFirewall - adds firewall to computer you are connected to: Usage: addFirewall (Solution) (Level) [AdditionalTime]

addUser - adds a user to computer you are connected to: Usage: addUser (Username) (Password)

openPort - Opens port on the computer you are connected to: Usage: openPort (PortToOpen)

closeAllPorts - Closes all ports on the computer you are connected to

closePort - Closes port on the computer you are connected to: Usage: closePort (PortToClose)

removeProxy - Removes proxy from the computer you are connected to

playSFX - Plays a sound effect, root directory is Content: Usage: playSFX (PathToSoundEffect eg. SFX/EmailSound.xnb)

deleteWhitelistDLL - Deletes authenticator.dll from a whitelist server or whitelist protected server: Usage: DeleteWhitelistDLL (IPOrIDOrName)

addComputer - Adds a computer on the fly: Usage: addComputer (Name) (IP) (SecurityLevel) (CompType) (ID)

getMoreRAM - Sets available RAM to 2048

setFaction - Sets faction according to argument one: setFaction entropy/csec/bibliotheque

tracedBehind250Proxies - Trace of 500 secs

disableEmailIcon - Disables the email icon like the Kaguya Trials

enableEmailIcon - Enables the email icon

nodeRestore - Restores nodes like when you click disable tracking in the dlc credits server

addWhiteCircle - Maybe addes the circle when each node is restored


Mod for Hacknet using the Pathfinder API








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