linter: no-useless-spread
fixer clobbers code before span in Vue script block #5913
<div>Hello world</div>
<script lang="js">
const isCondition = true
const bar = {
...(isCondition ? { a: 1 } : { b: 2 })
export default {
data() {
! �]8;;�\eslint-plugin-unicorn(no-useless-spread)�]8;;�\: Using a spread operator here creates a new object unnecessarily.
4 | const bar = {
5 | ...(isCondition ? { a: 1 } : { b: 2 })
: ^^^
6 | }
help: `isCondition ? { a: 1 } : { b: 2 }` returns a new object. Spreading it into an object expression to create a new object is redundant.
And here is the fix: