Presence setter is a quick and dirty lambda function that will change your presence in Slack on a schedule. Its the same as remembering to manually set your status to away
You'll need;
- AWS Account
- Ability to create a Slack App
- Serverless installed
is the definition of the infrastructure you want to deploy - this is going to be a Lambda function an and event bridge with 2 rules configured using cron.
Set the times you want to toggle the status and trigger the lambda.
is a quick and dirty lambda that will read the status of your Slack Presence and then change to either auto
or away
depending on the current setting.
Note: This is a bit blunt and will be refined to take into account the time etc to set the correct intended status.
Create a Slack App then you need to give the User Token the required scope - this is done going to OAuth and Permission
and setting the User Tokens Scope
- dnd:read
- dnd:write
- users:write
- users:read
The dnd:*
permissions allow the Do Not Disturb setting and ending and the users:*
permissions allow for reading and updating your status
Install the app in your workspace and it's ready to go
I've not user Serverless before, more than anything else, this was an exercise in playing with it.
install the CLI
npm i -g serverless
Create some credentials to deploy with, you're going to need them when running Serverless. Either do aws configure
to set up ~/.aws/credentials
or export the creds to the shell env but you need them for Serverless
to access.
Now you can run
export SLACK_API_KEY=<provide your Slack token here>
serverless deploy
Which will create the Lambda function and the Event bridge...
You can test the lambda using the aws cli
aws lambda invoke --function-name presence-setter-dev-function response.json
this should change your status and return with a 200