We have a manuscript available that describes the design of the Generalized Data Model (GDM).
Below is the current version of the schema for the Generalized Data Model. We gratefully acknowledge the influence of the OHDSI community and the open-source OMOP common data model specifications on our thinking. In addition, we acknowledge the influence of both Sentinel and i2b2 on our approach, although most of our data model was designed prior to fully reviewing other data models. At the moment, many references to the concept table refer to the OMOP version 5 vocabulary table maintained by OHDSI. However, any internally consistent set of vocabularies with unique concept ids would be sufficient (e.g., the National Library of Medicine Metathesaurus).
Note that in April 2023, we removed the patient_details table from the data model.
- Demographic information about the patients in the data
- The column for practitioner_id is intended for situations where there is a defined primary care practitioner (e.g., HMO or CPRD data)
column | type | description | foreign key (FK) | required |
id | serial | Surrogate key for record | x | |
gender_concept_id | bigint | FK reference to the concept table for the unique gender of the patient | concept | |
birth_date | date | Date of birth (yyyy-mm-dd) | ||
race_concept_id | bigint | FK reference to the concept table for the unique race of the patient | concept | |
ethnicity_concept_id | bigint | FK reference to the concept table for the ethnicity of the patient | concept | |
address_id | bigint | FK reference to the place of residency for the patient in the location table, where the detailed address information is stored | addresses | |
practitioner_id | bigint | FK reference to the primary care practitioner the patient is seeing in the practitioners table | practitioners | |
patient_id_source_value | text | Originial patient identifier defined in the source data | x |
- All non-facility practitioners (i.e., physicians, etc.) are listed
column | type | description | foreign key (FK) | required |
id | serial | Surrogate key for record | x | |
practitioner_name | text | Practitioner's name, if available | ||
primary_identifier | text | Primary practitioner identifier | x | |
primary_identifier_type | text | Type of identifier specified in primary identifier field (UPIN, NPI, etc) | x | |
secondary_identifier | text | Secondary practitioner identifier (Optional) | ||
secondary_identifier_type | text | Type of identifier specified in secondary identifier field (UPIN, NPI, etc) | ||
specialty_concept_id | bigint | FK reference to an identifier in the concept table for specialty | concept | |
address_id | bigint | FK reference to the address of the location where the practitioner is practicing | addresses | |
birth_date | date | Date of birth (yyyy-mm-dd) | ||
gender_concept_id | bigint | FK reference to an identifier in the concept table for the unique gender of the practitioner | concept |
- Unique records for all the facilities in the data
- facility_type_concept_id should be used to describe the whole facility (e.g., Academic Medical Center or Community Medical Center). Specific departments in the facility should be entered in the contexts table using the care_site_type_concept_id field.
column | type | description | foreign key (FK) | required |
id | serial | Surrogate key for record | x | |
facility_name | text | Facility name, if available | ||
primary_identifier | text | Primary facility identifier | x | |
primary_identifier_type | text | Type of identifier specified in primary identifier field (UPIN, NPI, etc) | x | |
secondary_identifier | text | Secondary facility identifier (Optional) | ||
secondary_identifier_type | text | Type of identifier specified in secondary identifier field (UPIN, NPI, etc) | ||
facility_type_concept_id | bigint | FK reference to concept table representing the facility type | concept | |
specialty_concept_id | bigint | A foreign key to an identifier in the concept table for specialty | concept | |
address_id | bigint | A foreign key to the address of the location of the facility | addresses |
- Used to group contexts records
- For claims, records the claim level information (also referred to as "headers" in some databases)
- Use claim from and thru date for start and end date, if available
- Admit and discharge dates should go in the admission_details table unless those are the only dates for the records in which case they should be entered into both the collections and admission_details tables
- For EHR, records the visit level information
column | type | description | foreign key (FK) | required |
id | serial | Surrogate key for record | x | |
patient_id | bigint | FK to reference to patients table | patients | x |
start_date | date | Start date of record (yyyy-mm-dd) | x | |
end_date | date | End date of record (yyyy-mm-dd) | x | |
duration | float | Duration of collection. (e.g. hospitalization length of stay) | ||
duration_unit_concept_id | bigint | FK reference to concept table representing the unit of duration (hours, days, weeks etc.) | concepts | |
facility_id | bigint | FK reference to facilities table | facilities | |
admission_detail_id | bigint | FK reference to admission_details table | admission_details | |
collection_type_concept_id | bigint | FK reference to concept table representing the type of collection this record represents | concept |
- Links one or more practitioners with a contexts record
- Each record represents an encounter between a patient and a practitioner on a specific context
- Captures the role, if any, the practitioner played on the context (e.g., attending physician)
column | type | description | foreign key (FK) | required |
context_id | bigint | FK reference to contexts table | contexts | x |
practitioner_id | bigint | FK reference to practitioners table | practitioners | x |
patient_id | bigint | FK reference to patients table | patients | x |
role_type_concept_id | bigint | FK reference to the concept table representing roles practitioners can play in an encounter | concept | |
specialty_type_concept_id | bigint | FK reference to concept table representing the practitioner's specialty type for the services/diagnoses associated with this record | concept |
- Stores information about the context of the clinical_codes and payer_reimbursements
- Used to group clinical_codes typically occurring on the same day or at the same time (e.g., a diagnosis and a procedure, or a systolic and diastolic blood pressure)
- contexts records are always linked to a collection record
- care_site_type_concept_id is used to describe the department in which the service was performed
column | type | description | foreign key (FK) | required |
id | serial | Surrogate key for record | x | |
collection_id | bigint | FK reference to collections table | collections | x |
patient_id | bigint | FK to reference to patients table | patients | x |
start_date | date | Start date of record (yyyy-mm-dd) | x | |
end_date | date | End date of record (yyyy-mm-dd) | ||
facility_id | bigint | FK reference to facilities table | facilities | |
care_site_type_concept_id | bigint | FK reference to concept table representing the care site type within the facility | concept | |
pos_concept_id | bigint | FK reference to concept table representing the place of service associated with this record | concept | |
source_type_concept_id | bigint | FK reference to concept table representing the file name (e.g MEDPAR). If data represents a subset of a file, concatenate the name of the file used and subset (e.g MEDPAR_SNF) | concept | x |
service_specialty_type_concept_id | bigint | FK reference to concept table representing the specialty type for the services/diagnoses associated with this record | concept | |
record_type_concept_id | bigint | FK reference to concept table representing the type of contexts the record represents (line, claim, etc.) | concept | x |
- Stores clinical codes from all types of records including procedures, diagnoses, drugs, laboratory records and other sources.Some common vocabularies include ICD-9, ICD-10, SNOMED, Read, HCPCS, CPT, NDC, and LOINC
- Ignores semantic distinctions about the type of information represented within a vocabulary because most vocabularies contain information from more than one domain
- One record generated for each individual code in the raw data
- Extra detail can be found about a code in the measurement_details and drug_exposure_details tables if that information exists
column | type | description | foreign key (FK) | required |
id | serial | Surrogate key for record | x | |
collection_id | bigint | FK reference to collections table | collections | x |
context_id | bigint | FK reference to contexts table | contexts | x |
patient_id | bigint | FK reference to patients table | patients | x |
start_date | date | Start date of record (yyyy-mm-dd) | x | |
end_date | date | End date of record (yyyy-mm-dd) | x | |
clinical_code_concept_id | bigint | FK reference to concept table for the code assigned to the record | concept | x |
quantity | bigint | Quantity, if available (e.g., procedures) | ||
seq_num | int | The sequence number for the variable assigned (e.g. dx3 gets sequence number 3) | ||
provenance_concept_id | bigint | Additional type information (ex: primary, admitting, problem list, etc) | concept | |
clinical_code_source_value | text | Source code from raw data | x | |
clinical_code_vocabulary_id | text | FK reference to the vocabulary the clinical code comes from | vocabulary | x |
measurement_detail_id | bigint | FK reference to measurement_details table | measurement_details | |
drug_exposure_detail_id | bigint | FK reference to drug_exposure_details table | drug_exposure_details |
- Stores additional information related to measurements, observations, status, and specifications
- Text-based vocabularies are sufficient, but could also be mapped to LOINC and stored in the mappings table(e.g., laboratory data indexed by text names for the lab results)
- Other vocabularies should be included in their original system (e.g., oncology may be comprised of separate vocabularies for location, histology, grade, behavior, etc.)
- This could be implemented by making variable names a vocabulary in themselves, depending on the use case
column | type | description | foreign key (FK) | required |
id | serial | Surrogate key for record | x | |
patient_id | bigint | FK reference to patients table | patients | x |
result_as_number | float | The observation result stored as a number, applicable to observations where the result is expressed as a numeric value | ||
result_as_string | text | The observation result stored as a string, applicable to observations where the result is expressed as verbatim text | ||
result_as_concept_id | bigint | FK reference to concept table for the result associated with the detail_concept_id (e.g., positive/negative, present/absent, low/high, etc.) | concept | |
result_modifier_concept_id | bigint | FK reference to concept table for result modifier (=, <, >, etc.) | concept | |
unit_concept_id | bigint | FK reference to concept table for the measurement units (e.g., mmol/L, mg/dL, etc.) | concept | |
normal_range_low | float | Lower bound of the normal reference range assigned by the laboratory | ||
normal_range_high | float | Upper bound of the normal reference range assigned by the laboratory | ||
normal_range_low_modifier_concept_id | bigint | FK reference to concept table for result modifier (=, <, >, etc.) | concept | |
normal_range_high_modifier_concept_id | bigint | FK reference to concept table for result modifier (=, <, >, etc.) | concept |
- Designed to capture extra details about drug-specific clinical_codes
- The quantity of a drug is stored in the clinical_codes quantity field
column | type | description | foreign key (FK) | required |
id | serial | Surrogate key for record | x | |
patient_id | bigint | FK to reference to patients table | patients | x |
refills | int | The number of refills after the initial prescription; the initial prescription is not counted (i.e., values start with 0) | ||
days_supply | int | The number of days of supply as recorded in the original prescription or dispensing record | ||
number_per_day | float | The number of pills taken per day | ||
dose_form_concept_id | bigint | FK reference to concept table for the form of the drug (capsule, injection, etc.) | concept | |
dose_unit_concept_id | bigint | FK reference to concept table for the units in which the dose_value is expressed | concept | |
route_concept_id | bigint | FK reference to concept table for route in which drug is given | concept | |
dose_value | float | Numeric value for the dose of the drug | ||
strength_source_value | text | Drug strength as reported in the raw data. This can include both dose value and units | ||
ingredient_source_value | text | Ingredient/Generic name of drug as reported in the raw data | ||
drug_name_source_value | text | Product/Brand name of drug as reported in the raw data |
- The purpose of this table is to capture all costs reported in the course of paying for services. It is designed from a US administrative claims data perspective.
- All payer reimbursement records are linked to a record in the contexts table which identifies the type of reimbursement (generally a line-level or claim-level cost)
- Note that claim-level reimbursements do not always sum to the individual line-level reimbursements, so caution should be used when querying records
column | type | description | foreign key (FK) | required |
id | serial | Surrogate key for record | ||
context_id | bigint | FK reference to context table | contexts | x |
patient_id | bigint | FK to reference to patients table | patients | x |
clinical_code_id | bigint | FK reference to clinical_codes table to be used if a specific code is the direct cause for the reimbursement | clinical_codes | |
currency_concept_id | bigint | FK reference to concept table for the 3-letter code used to delineate international currencies (e.g., USD = US Dollar) | concept | x |
total_charged | float | The total amount charged by the provider of the good/service (e.g. hospital, physician pharmacy, dme provider) billed to a payer. This information is usually provided in claims data. | ||
total_paid | float | The total amount paid from all payers for the expenses of the service/device/drug. This field is calculated using the following formula: paid_by_payer + paid_by_patient + paid_by_primary. In claims data, this field is considered the calculated field the payer expects the provider to get reimbursed for the service/device/drug from the payer and from the patient, based on the payer's contractual obligations. | ||
paid_by_payer | float | The amount paid by the Payer for the service/device/drug. In claims data, generally there is one field representing the total payment from the payer for the service/device/drug. However, this field could be a calculated field if the source data provides separate payment information for the ingredient cost and the dispensing fee. If the paid_ingredient_cost or paid_dispensing_fee fields are populated with nonzero values, the paid_by_payer field is calculated using the following formula: paid_ingredient_cost + paid_dispensing_fee. If there is more than one Payer in the source data, several cost records indicate that fact. The Payer reporting this reimbursement should be indicated under the payer_plan_id field. | ||
paid_by_patient | float | The total amount paid by the patient as a share of the expenses. This field is most often used in claims data to report the contracted amount the patient is responsible for reimbursing the provider for said service/device/drug. This is a calculated field using the following formula: paid_patient_copay + paid_patient_coinsurance + paid_patient_deductible. If the source data has actual patient payments (e.g. the patient payment is not a derivative of the payer claim and there is verification the patient paid an amount to the provider), then the patient payment should have it's own cost record with a payer_plan_id set to 0 to indicate the payer is actually the patient, and the actual patient payment should be noted under the total_paid field. The paid_by_patient field is only used for reporting a patient's responsibility reported on an insurance claim. | ||
paid_patient_copay | float | The amount paid by the patient as a fixed contribution to the expenses. paid_patient_copay does contribute to the paid_by_patient variable. The paid_patient_copay field is only used for reporting a patient's copay amount reported on an insurance claim. | ||
paid_patient_coinsurance | float | The amount paid by the patient as a joint assumption of risk. Typically, this is a percentage of the expenses defined by the Payer Plan after the patient's deductible is exceeded. paid_patient_coinsurance does contribute to the paid_by_patient variable. The paid_patient_coinsurance field is only used for reporting a patient's coinsurance amount reported on an insurance claim. | ||
paid_patient_deductible | float | The amount paid by the patient that is counted toward the deductible defined by the Payer Plan. paid_patient_deductible does contribute to the paid_by_patient variable. The paid_patient_deductible field is only used for reporting a patient's deductible amount reported on an insurance claim. | ||
paid_by_primary | float | The amount paid by a primary Payer through the coordination of benefits. paid_by_primary does contribute to the total_paid variable. The paid_by_primary field is only used for reporting a patient's primary insurance payment amount reported on the secondary payer insurance claim. If the source data has actual primary insurance payments (e.g. the primary insurance payment is not a derivative of the payer claim and there is verification another insurance company paid an amount to the provider), then the primary insurance payment should have it's own cost record with a payer_plan_id set to the applicable payer, and the actual primary insurance payment should be noted under the paid_by_payer field. | ||
paid_ingredient_cost | float | The amount paid by the Payer to a pharmacy for the drug, excluding the amount paid for dispensing the drug. paid_ingredient_cost contributes to the paid_by_payer field if this field is populated with a nonzero value. | ||
paid_dispensing_fee | float | The amount paid by the Payer to a pharmacy for dispensing a drug, excluding the amount paid for the drug ingredient. paid_dispensing_fee contributes to the paid_by_payer field if this field is populated with a nonzero value. | ||
information_period_id | bigint | FK reference to the information_periods table | ||
amount_allowed | float | The contracted amount agreed between the payer and provider. This information is generally available in claims data. This is similar to the total_paid amount in that it shows what the payer expects the provider to be reimbursed after the payer and patient pay. This differs from the total_paid amount in that it is not a calculated field, but a field available directly in claims data. Use case: This will capture non-covered services. Non-covered services are indicated by an amount allowed and patient responsibility variables (copay, coinsurance, deductible) will be equal $0 in the source data. This means the patient is responsible for the total_charged value. The amount_allowed field is payer specific and the payer should be indicated by the payer_plan_id field. |
- Used to capture all non reimbursement costs
- Examples of things captured in this table are things like cost-to-charge ratio, calculated cost (for situations where the ETL process calculates a cost based on the available data), reported cost (where the ETL process imputes a cost from another source), and some other things that may become apparent with more use cases.
column | type | description | foreign key (FK) | required |
id | serial | Surrogate key for record | x | |
context_id | bigint | FK reference to context table | contexts | x |
patient_id | bigint | FK reference to patients table | patients | x |
clinical_code_id | bigint | FK reference to clinical_codes table to be used if a specific code is the direct cause for the reimbursement | clinical_codes | |
currency_concept_id | bigint | FK reference to concept table for the 3-letter code used to delineate international currencies (e.g., USD = US Dollar) | concept | x |
cost_base | text | Defines the basis for the cost in the table (e.g., 2013 for a specific cost-to-charge ratio, or a specific cost from an external cost | x | |
value | float | Cost value | x | |
value_type_concept_id | bigint | FK reference to concept table to concept that defines the type of economic information in the value field (e.g., cost-to-charge ratio, calculated cost, reported cost) | concept | x |
- Used to store location information for patients, practitioners, and facilities
- One record for each geographic location in the data
column | type | description | foreign key (FK) | required |
id | serial | Surrogate key for record | x | |
address_1 | text | Typically used for street address | ||
address_2 | text | Typically used for additional detail such as building, suite, floor, etc. | ||
city | text | The city field as it appears in the source data | ||
state | text | The state field as it appears in the source data | ||
zip | text | The zip or postal code | ||
county | text | The county, if available | ||
census_tract | text | The census tract if available | ||
hsa | text | The Health Service Area, if available (originally defined by the National Center for Health Statistics) | ||
country | text | The country if necessary |
- Stores mortality information including date of death and cause(s) of death
- Commonly populated from beneficiary or similar administrative data associated with the medical record
- Deaths identified from diagnosis codes or discharge status are not necessary since such records are in the clinical_codes and admission_details tables and can be queried separately
column | type | description | foreign key (FK) | required |
id | serial | Surrogate key for record | x | |
patient_id | bigint | FK reference to patients table | patients | x |
date | date | Date of death (yyyy-mm-dd) | x | |
cause_concept_id | bigint | FK reference to concept table for cause of death (typically ICD-9 or ICD-10 code) | concept | |
cause_type_concept_id | bigint | FK reference to concept table for the type of cause of death (e.g. primary, secondary, etc. ) | concept | |
practitioner_id | bigint | FK reference to practitioners table | practitioners |
- Captures periods for which information in each table is relevant for each person
- Could include enrollment types (e.g., Part A, Part B, HMO) or just "observable" (as with up-to-standard data in CPRD)
- One row per patient per non-overlapping enrollment/information period type
column | type | description | foreign key (FK) | required |
id | serial | Surrogate key for record | x | |
patient_id | bigint | FK reference to patients table | patients | x |
start_date | date | Start date of record (yyyy-mm-dd) | x | |
end_date | date | End date of record (yyyy-mm-dd) | x | |
information_type_concept_id | bigint | FK reference to concept table representing the information type (e.g., insurance coverage, hospital data, up-to-standard date) | concept | x |
- Captures details about admissions and emergency department encounters that cannot be stored in the clinical_codes, contexts, or collections tables
- One row per admission
- Each admission record in the collections table will link to this table
column | type | description | foreign key (FK) | required |
id | serial | Surrogate key for record | x | |
patient_id | bigint | FK reference to patients table | patients | x |
admission_date | date | Date of admission (yyyy-mm-dd) | x | |
discharge_date | date | Date of discharge (yyyy-mm-dd) | x | |
admit_source_concept_id | bigint | Database specific code indicating source of admission (e.g., ER visit, transfer, etc.) | concept | |
discharge_location_concept_id | bigint | Database specific code indicating discharge location (e.g., death, home, transfer, long-term care, etc.) | concept | |
admission_type_concept_id | bigint | FK reference to concept table representing the type of admission the record is (Emergency, Elective, etc.) | concept |
- Basic attribute value table for storing information about the ETL
- Currently used to store all arguments used during a setlr run
column | type | description | foreign key (FK) | required |
key | text | Name for the value | x | |
value | text | Value |
- Lists all the information types present in
- Gives a sense of what vocabularies are used in the dataset and how common they are
column | type | description | foreign key (FK) | required |
information_type | text | Information type | x | |
n_rows | bigint | Number of occurrences in information_periods | x |
- Lists all tables ETL'd for the dataset along with row counts, patient counts, and min/max dates
- Gives a sense of what tables are present in the dataset and how large each is
column | type | description | foreign key (FK) | required |
table_name | text | Name of table | x | |
n_rows | bigint | Number of rows in table | x | |
n_patients | bigint | Number of unique patients table | ||
earliest_date | date | Earliest date found in table | ||
latest_date | date | Latest date found in table |
- Lists all the vocabularies present in
- Gives a sense of what vocabularies are used in the dataset and how common they are
column | type | description | foreign key (FK) | required |
vocabulary_id | text | Vocabulary ID present | vocabulary | x |
n_rows | bigint | Number of occurrences in clinical_codes | x |