Please note that using Mno UI Elements requires the use of Angular 1.5.x or higher.
- Mno-ui-elements requires Bootstrap CSS version 3.x or higher and it has been tested with Bootstrap CSS 3.3.6.
- Mno-ui-elements requires Font Awesome version 4.x or higher and it has been tested with font-awesome 4.4.0.
- Add the following depency to your bower.json or package.json
"mno-enterprise-angular": ""
When you are done downloading all the dependencies and project files the only remaining part is to add dependencies on the mnoUiElements
AngularJS module:
angular.module('myModule', ['mnoUiElements']);
At the moment the following components have been tested and documented.
- mno-admin
- mno-kpi
- mno-widget
- mno-loading-ellipsis
- mno-validation
The following components have been started and need to be tested
- mno-row
- mno-section