This project aims to explore the writing of stateful Function-as-a-Service.
The code base uses
- AWS Lambda,
- a dedicated EC2 server running the CRESON framework, and
- the Lambda plugin for Maven available here.
It implements a toy Lambda function that concatenates the values given in parameters to a list. This list is shared consistently between all instances of this lambda. To this end, the lambda uses the CRESON framework and a dedicated nodes located @ For the sake of simplicity, this address is hard-coded in the code of the lambda (
First, install in your local Maven repository infinispan-creson using:
git clone
mvn clean install -DskipTests
Clone this repository, then modify appropriately the parameters of AWS Lambda in pom.xml -> plugins -> lambda-maven-plugin -> configuration. This implies modifying setting-up the region, creating an IAM and modifying the bucket where to store lambdas.
Then, build and deploy this lambda with:
mvn clean package shade:shade lambda:deploy-lambda -DskipTests -DaccessKey="aws_key" -DsecretKey="aws_secret" -Ds3Bucket="my_bucket"
Once properly deployed, run it:
aws lambda invoke --payload '{"key":"value"}' --function-name my-function-name output.txt