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Dockerized Laravel + Nuxt.JS project.

Stack includes

  • Laravel (clean 8.4.0 version)
  • Nuxt.JS (clean 2.14.5 version)
  • PostgreSQL 11.3
  • Nginx
  • Redis 3


  • Docker-compose


If you do not have available the make utility, or you just want to install the project manually, you can go through the installation process running the following commands:

Build and up docker containers (It may take up to 10 minutes)

docker-compose up -d --build

Install composer dependencies:

docker-compose exec php composer install

Copy environment files

cp .env.api api/.env
cp .env.client client/.env

Set up laravel permissions

sudo chmod -R 777 api/bootstrap/cache
sudo chmod -R 777 api/storage

Restart the client container

docker-compose restart client

Basic usage

Your base url is http://localhost:8080. All requests to Laravel API must be sent using to the url starting with /api prefix. Nginx server will proxy all requests with /api prefix to the node static server which serves the Nuxt.

There is also available http://localhost:8081 url which is handled by Laravel and should be used for testing purposes only.


To up all containers, run the command:

# Full command
docker-compose up -d

To shut down all containers, run the command:

# Full command
docker-compose down


Your application is available at the http://localhost:8080 url.

Take a look at client/.env file. There are two variables:


API_URL is the url where Nuxt sends requests during SSR process and is equal to the Nginx url inside the docker network. Take a look at the image above. API_URL_BROWSER is the base application url for browsers.

To make them work, ensure you have the import dotenv statement at the very top in the nuxt.config.js file


export default {    
  // Nuxt configuration


If you update or install node dependencies, you should restart the Nuxt process, which is executed automatically by the client container:

# Full command
docker-compose restart client


Laravel API is available at the http://localhost:8080/api url.

There is also available http://localhost:8081 url which is handled by Laravel and should be used for testing purposes only.


Artisan commands can be used like this

docker-compose exec php php artisan migrate