Might as well make it a bit less tedious
Flash abitti on usb sticks without any dumb and unnecessary restrains. No memory? too bad. Invalid gpt partition table? just overwrite it. After you have nuked every usb stick you managed to fit into your usb-hub, you can run automated testing to check if they even boot.
When someone brings you a box full of unlabeled, random usb drives, you can run the tester to see which ones should be formatted. Saves time, consideing flashing 3 syicks instead of 10+ will save about 1h of your sanity.
Give sudo permissions to the random executable, seems about right for school IT. If you are concerned, you can read the source code, it's borderline obfuscated
NOTE: requires multiple unix-dependencies, which I don't have time to check manually. If it crashes, read the output and figure what's wrong on your computer. (Spoiler alert: requires at least qemu-system-x86_64
and kvm
Oh and don't even think about using this on Windows.
cargo build --release && sudo ./target/release/abitti-flasher
I will at least consider fixing these TODO
- tokio::stdin with BufReader just does not want to detect EOF
- Some sort of menu loop would make this almost too fancy
- Theoretically supports multiple VM instances, but the school computer would run out of RAM anyways.
- Customize .iso path (or even automatically download it)
- Fix code (it's really disgusting)