HLS: TS slices that have been generated should not be cleared when the server exits or restarts. #865
Version: 2.0.239 Release
Environment: CentOS 6
vhost dvr.host.com{
hls {
enabled on;
hls_path /home/video/rec/live;
hls_ts_file [stream]/[stream]-[seq].ts;
hls_m3u8_file [stream].m3u8;
hls_fragment 10;
hls_window 86400;
#hls_window 60;
hls_wait_keyframe on;
hls_dispose 0;
hls_cleanup off;
Situation: After restarting the SRS service, the previously recorded m3u8 and ts files are cleared, leaving only an empty ts directory.
Expectation: Whether stopping the stream or restarting SRS, the recorded data should not be cleared. Thank you!