Hi ORT Team,
We tried to run ORT on .cs projects for nuget dependencies and found that the analyzer-result.json getting generated shows all the dependencies irrespective of the target framework mentioned in the packages.config file for the .cs projects.
For example: PFA the packages.config file which shows only two dependencies and also the generated analyzer-result.json file
The target framework mentioned in the packages.config file is .netstandard2.0 so instead of picking the dependencies for .netstandard2.0 only, ORT is getting all the dependencies for all the frameworks and getting the unique dependencies out of it which are then shown in the ORT result i.e. analyzer-result.json.
I suppose this is a bug as ORT shall show only the nuget dependencies for the target framework mentioned in the packages.config file.
Can you please let us know whether it is working as expected or its a bug. And if its a bug then when will it be resolved.