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This project provides an example of using the perfetto sdk to initiate performance testing on the Android system and sends each TracePacket to the PC end via socket.

By default, perfetto writes collected data to /data/misc/perfetto-traces/ on the Android device. The files can be quite large and need to be cleaned up in a timely manner. They also need to be pulled to the PC for display each time.

This example sends data to the PC during the collection process and does not write TracePacket to the Android device file. Theoretically, the collection time is unlimited (as long as there is enough space on the PC), unless you manually terminate the collection. After the collection is finished, you can directly analyze performance on the PC end using perfetto-ui.

This example enables metrics such as ftrace, linux.process_stats, and android.surfaceflinger.frametimeline.

According to the official perfetto documentation, perfetto is pre-installed on devices running Android 9 and later. However, for Android 9-10, you need to manually execute the following command, and devices running Android 10 and later do not require any action.

perfetto also provides tracebox support for devices running Android 9 and below, but after testing, this example code cannot run on devices below Android 9.

# Needed only on Android 9 (P) and 10 (Q) on non-Pixel phones.
adb shell setprop persist.traced.enable 1


The example code is for the Android platform and uses the Android NDK. For other platforms, you need to remove the android/log.h related code in

The following build steps are also for the Android platform. Ensure that you have installed the necessary build tools such as Android NDK/cmake. If not, you can install them through Android Studio.

Build script:

chmod +x ./ && ./


By default, on MAC, the location of the NDK installed through AndroidStudio is:


And the build command have some variable would look like:

-DCMAKE_TOOLCHAIN_FILE=~/Android/sdk/ndk/26.1.10909125/build/cmake/android.toolchain.cmake -DANDROID_ABI="arm64-v8a" -DANDROID_PLATFORM=android-18

Please Change those variables to yourself

  • CMAKE_TOOLCHAIN_FILE actualNDKlocation
  • ANDROID_ABI actual Android arch
  • ANDROID_PLATFORM actual Android device's SDK version


The running steps are divided into the following steps. You can also write your own script, such as

#!/usr/bin/env bash

adb shell mkdir /data/local/tmp || 
adb push build/perfetto_streaming_example /data/local/tmp/
adb shell chmod +x /data/local/tmp/perfetto_streaming_example
nohup python &
adb reverse tcp:10086 tcp:10086
adb shell "/data/local/tmp/perfetto_streaming_example -p 10086 -a"

Pushing Files

If you build through, the output is located at build/perfetto_streaming_example. Push it to the device path using adb, for example:

adb shell mkdir "/data/local/tmp" ||
adb push build/perfetto_streaming_example /data/local/tmp/
adb shell chmod +x /data/local/tmp/perfetto_streaming_example

Running the Receiver

The repository provides a python receiver that can be used directly. It runs on the local machine at port, or you can implement it in another language. The packet format sent by perfetto_streaming_example is 4-byte big-endian packet length + packet body.

    ... # ignored
    while True:
            length = client_socket.recv(4)
        if not length:
        len_ = struct.unpack("!I", length)[0]
        buf = b""
        while len(buf) < len_:
                current_buf = client_socket.recv(len_ - len(buf))
                if current_buf:
                    buf += current_buf
            except BlockingIOError:
        print(f"recv trace packet size {len_} -> {len(buf)}")
    ... # ignored

Reverse Port

Since it is necessary to send TracePacket via socket during the running period, you need to specify the socket address to send to. perfetto_streaming_example accepts three arguments:

  • The -a parameter, which receives the package name of the app to be traced, e.g.,
  • The -h parameter, the host of the socket to send to, with a default value of
  • The -p parameter, the port of the socket to send to.

If the PC and the Android device can communicate directly, then you do not need to reverse the port.

Assuming you are using the repository's and your PC and Android device are not on the same network segment and connected via USB, you need to run the receiver and then execute:

adb reverse tcp:10086 tcp:10086

Running the Collector

After completing the above steps, you can execute on the device:

cd /data/local/tmp
./perfetto_streaming_example -h -p 10086 -a

perfetto_streaming_example will then send data to the receiver. If you are using the repository's, you will see output similar to the following:

recv trace packet size 33942 -> 33942
recv trace packet size 33917 -> 33917
recv trace packet size 33988 -> 33988
recv trace packet size 23131 -> 23131
recv trace packet size 29351 -> 29351
recv trace packet size 105232 -> 105232
recv trace packet size 54014 -> 54014
recv trace packet size 44356 -> 44356
recv trace packet size 56013 -> 56013
recv trace packet size 45002 -> 45002
recv trace packet size 53590 -> 53590
recv trace packet size 67804 -> 67804
recv trace packet size 51371 -> 51371
recv trace packet size 71027 -> 71027
recv trace packet size 92170 -> 92170
recv trace packet size 56366 -> 56366
recv trace packet size 35206 -> 35206
recv trace packet size 37196 -> 37196
recv trace packet size 104383 -> 104383

Stopping Collection

After running perfetto_streaming_example, it will block until you press CTRL+C(WINDOWS)/COMMAND+C(MAC). Otherwise, perfetto_streaming_example will continue to run. When you want to stop, press CTRL+C(WINDOWS)/COMMAND+C(MAC), but it may take some time because there is still some data in the buffer that needs to be sent all at once, and the packet body will be quite large.

After the Android end stops, you can directly interrupt the receiver. If you are using the repository's example, you will see a test.trace file.


The above test.trace file can be directly displayed in perfetto-ui.


A cpp demo to send perfetto tracepacket stream via socket







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