The MultiSend smart contract is a simple Ethereum smart contract written in Solidity that allows the owner to manage and distribute Ether to multiple addresses in a single transaction.
- Ownership Management: The contract includes functionality to change the owner of the contract.
- Ether Storage: The owner can store Ether in the contract.
- Multi-address Ether Transfer: The owner can send Ether to multiple addresses in a single transaction.
- foundry installed
- Anvil (comes installed with forge)
- An Ethereum development environment (Ganache, etc.)
- Clone the repository:
git clone
- Run your Ethereum development environment (Ganache, or anvil etc.).
- Run the tests:
forge test
- forge script script/DeployMultiSend.s.sol --rpc-url (anvil or ganache rpc url) --private-key (private key of one anvil or ganache account) --broadcast.