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@swyxio swyxio
ai/software 3.0: devrel/devtools: blog: advice/career book: San Francisco

Jina AI jina-ai
Your Search Foundation, Supercharged!


Addy Osmani addyosmani
Engineering Lead at Google working on Chrome & Web Platform

Google Mountain View, California

John Arundel bitfield
Writes books. Programming is fun, and you should have fun!

Bitfield Consulting Cornwall, UK

Google google
Google ❤️ Open Source

United States of America

Ory ory
Web-scale, market-proven open source identity access and permission services


Justice Adeenze-Kangah jakangah
God grant me the serenity to accept the bugs I cannot see; courage to change the bugs I can; and wisdom to know the difference.


Kubernetes kubernetes
Production-Grade Container Scheduling and Management
ProjectDiscovery projectdiscovery
Monitor your infrastructure. Real vulnerabilities. Zero noise.
Keycloak keycloak
Open Source Identity and Access Management For Modern Applications and Services
Sentry getsentry
Real-time crash reporting for your web apps, mobile apps, and games.

United States of America

Spotify spotify

Stockholm, Sweden

Emmanuel T Odeke odeke-em
Building @orijtech, and @golang. Always learning!

@orijtech Palo Alto, California

Simone Paolucci Magicianred
Code Imagineer - Application Web Developer - Software Permaculturist - Addicted to Open Source


Flexport 上海【百万年总包无加班】 flexport-shanghai
上海2021年最热门的美国独角兽公司。期待你的加入。有兴趣的优秀工程师可以直接联系技术经理。我们的技术栈是 Ruby, Java和React。 Senior工程师总包100万-130万。不加班。微信: legendben86

Flexport Shanghai, China

Martin Kleppmann ept
Distributed systems + security protocols researcher at University of Cambridge; author of Designing Data-Intensive Applications; formerly Rapportive/LinkedIn

University of Cambridge Cambridge, UK

Matteo Collina mcollina
@platformatic Co-Founder & CTO, TSC member @nodejs, Lead Maintainer @fastify, Conference Speaker, Ph.D.

@platformatic Forlì, Italy

Terra terra-money
The official repositories for Terra


Ian Lopshire ianlopshire
Senior software engineer @adsbynimbus formerly @timehop & @RedVentures. Open-source contributor and outdoors enthusiast. he/him.

@timehop Brooklyn, NY

sam boyer sdboyer
(╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻

Detroit, MI, USA

Johnny Boursiquot jboursiquot
Software Engineer • Educator
Solana Name Service - Bonfida Bonfida
For security disclosures or to report a bug
Jerry Buaba buabaj
software engineer. APIs, high-performance systems

london, UK

Christiane Celeste peyssoa

@crimson-education Antigua & Barbuda

Gaurav Sen coding-parrot
CEO of InterviewReady

InterviewReady Mumbai, India

Blain Smith blainsmith
MS of CS candidate Go | Rust | C | Hare | Linux | Networking | Distributed Systems | Databases

@limeleaf-collective Saratoga Springs, NY

All you need in this life is ignorance and confidence, and then success is sure.


Specializing in Javascript 🌐, Python 🐍, Golang 🐭


Samuel Opoku Asare hendrixgotcodes
I build cross-platform apps and websites, enhancing them with AI for smarter solutions

Tema, Greater Accra, Ghana, West Africa, Africa, Earth🌍

Russ Cox rsc
Go Hacker. Mistake maker. (he/him)

Google Cambridge, MA

Johan Brandhorst-Satzkorn johanbrandhorst
Software Engineer using Go and always keen to learn new things.

@HashiCorp Sḵwx̱wú7mesh, Canada

Jon Calhoun joncalhoun
Creator of @gophercises. I like to teach people how to program with Go.

@gophercises Bedford, PA

Gift Egwuenu lauragift21
Developer Advocate @cloudflare

Cloudflare Netherlands

Daniel Tan PolarPanda611


dan gaearon


Dave Cheney davecheney
I service society by rocking.

GitHub Sydney, Australia

Kent C. Dodds kentcdodds
Improving the world with quality software · Husband, Father, Latter-day Saint, Teacher, OSS · @remix-run · · EpicReact.Dev · Be Kind

@epicweb-dev Salt Lake City, Utah, USA

Ben Halpern benhalpern
Founder of 👩‍💻👨‍💻-> Now open source! Come checkout our main repo at forem/forem 🌱

Forem New York

technically a professional
Trevor Owens owenstrevor
Author, entrepreneur, & full-stack dev

Ninjalerts Global

Nelson nelsonic
Love learning/writing code @dwyl Systematic about sharing all knowledge/skills. Learn something new every day.

@dwyl Braga, Portugal