Maintains a team with all your organization's members
Create low-latency, interactive user experiences for stateless microservices.
Simple Yet Powerful Mocking Framework for NodeJs
The docker files that will be used to create various docker containers and applications that are based on Java. This docker files repo will also install various flavors of Java like OpenJDK, Oracle…
NodeJs Client for Yammer's RESTful API
Embedded Node.js database upward compatible with MongoDB
Call all Node.js modules directly from DOM/WebWorker and enable a new way of writing applications with all Web technologies.
Moved to
Ruby Client libraries for communicating with Jenkins Remote Access API
For the latest version of boto, see -- Python interface to Amazon Web Services
arunoda / nodemock
Forked from realistschuckle/nodemockSimple Yet Powerful Mocking Framework for NodeJs
Various scripts and files done when experimenting with aws, puppet, boto, libcloud, etc.
Allows to report geographical data on a map using Google Maps, and stores it on a MongoDB database.
Testing Play 2.0 Scala Security.Authenticated
Code, exercises, answers, and hints to go along with the book "Functional Programming in Scala"
Proof of concept of the new OCR capabilities in the Google App Engine Java 1.6.1 SDK
A quick start project using Scala, SBT, Scalatra, Scalate, and Google App Engine
oscarrenalias / sbt-template
Forked from mjc-/sbt-templatereally basic project template with sbt 0.12 with a working hello world and couple of basic scalatest tests
A small proof-of-concept application running on PhoneGap and using one of the public NetWeaver Gateway 2.0 services
really basic project template with sbt 0.11 with a working hello world and couple of basic scalatest tests
Small Node.js app that loads a special log file and displays a chart
Additional functionality for ScalaCheck, not part of the core distribution
oscarrenalias / scalacheck
Forked from typelevel/scalacheckA powerful tool for automatic unit testing