Preflight checklist
- I could not find a solution in the existing issues, docs, nor discussions.
- I agree to follow this project's Code of Conduct.
- I have read and am following this repository's Contribution Guidelines.
- This issue affects my Ory Network project.
- I have joined the Ory Community Slack.
- I am signed up to the Ory Security Patch Newsletter.
Describe the bug
are not allowed in type-definitions: expected identifier or '}', got ";"
using a ,
instead of ;
Reproducing the bug
paste the following into Permission Rules
at Ory Network:
import { Namespace, SubjectSet, Context } from '@ory/keto-namespace-types';
class User implements Namespace {
related: {
manager: User[];
class Group implements Namespace {
related: {
members: (User | Group)[];
class Folder implements Namespace {
related: {
parents: Folder[];
viewers: SubjectSet<Group, 'members'>[];
permits = {
view: (ctx: Context): boolean =>
this.related.viewers.includes(ctx.subject) ||
this.related.parents.traverse((p) => p.permits.view(ctx)),
class File implements Namespace {
related: {
parents: Folder[];
viewers: (User | SubjectSet<Group, 'members'>)[];
owners: (User | SubjectSet<Group, 'members'>)[];
// Some comment
permits = {
view: (ctx: Context): boolean =>
this.related.parents.traverse((p) => p.permits.view(ctx)) ||
this.related.viewers.includes(ctx.subject) ||
edit: (ctx: Context) => this.related.owners.includes(ctx.subject),
The ts-file is formatted with prettier (with single-quote option)
Relevant log output
expected identifier or '}', got ";"
Relevant configuration
No response
Ory Network (15.11.2022)
On which operating system are you observing this issue?
Ory Network
In which environment are you deploying?
Ory Network
Additional Context
No response