What are the steps to reproduce this issue?
- …generate on Vue3 project with config below:
import { config } from "dotenv";
import { defineConfig } from "orval";
export default () => {
return defineConfig({
"standard-frontend": {
output: {
mode: "tags",
headers: true,
workspace: "./openapi/client",
target: "./endpoints",
schemas: "./models",
indexFiles: true,
client: 'vue-query',
urlEncodeParameters: true, //
override: {
useDates: true,
mutator: {
path: "./mutator/use-custom-instance.ts",
name: "useCustomInstance",
formData: {
path: "./mutator/custom-form-data.ts",
name: "customFormData",
query: {
queryOptions: {
path: "./openapi/client/mutator/custom-query-options.ts",
name: "customTranQueryOptions",
mock: {},
operations: {},
input: {
target: "./openapi/openapi-docs.yml",
What happens?
Orval generates code below:
export const usePostAuthLoginHook = () => {
const postAuthLogin = useCustomInstance<void>();
return useCallback((
authLoginPostRequest: MaybeRef<AuthLoginPostRequest>,
signal?: AbortSignal
) => {
return postAuthLogin(
{url: `/auths/login`, method: 'POST',
headers: {'Content-Type': 'application/json', },
data: authLoginPostRequest, signal
}, [postAuthLogin])
This code has critical problem: useCallback() doesn't exist on Vue.
So, this makes unavoidable error.
What were you expecting to happen?
Before orval version 6.29.0, it generates correct code.
Please make back.
Any logs, error output, etc?
Any other comments?
Probably, useCallback is made with setting mutator on orval.config.ts.
What versions are you using?
Operating System: … Linux (WSL)
Package Version: …6.29.1 ~ 7.4.1
Browser Version: N/A