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@mykhailo-banin mykhailo-banin released this 30 Dec 22:42
· 57141 commits to master since this release

Table Reports creation wizard

"Table Reports" are simple reports where user can choose fields to show from target entity or related entities, set filters and conditions.

On “Manage Reports” page, user can find UI management for reports, where users can create, modify or delete reports. For now it is possible to choose an entity, select fields from chosen or related entity, set filter or sorting rules and describe filters logic.

It is possible to add grouping by fields and use some of aggregation functions. Available functions (depends on column type): COUNT, AVG, MIN, MAX.

Manageable labels of entities and entity fields

Implemented possibility to change entity field labels from Entities Management (System -> Entities). From now, if you change label of entity field – it will be changed on entity instance view and edit pages.

There is also support for plural label and description.

Record updates notification

Added notifications via Web Sockets for all connected clients when data that they are viewing is changed. Each page subscribes to several channels (tags) and checks updates on them. When update notification is received an update message appears that data was changed with suggestion to reload the page. If data was changed inside pinned pages a yellow marker will appear on appropriate pin tabs.

Sidebars widgets

Added left and right sidebars for special sidebar widgets. Sidebar has two states: minimized or expanded. To add widget, user should click on “+” inside a sidebar. Widgets, can be added to a sidebar, deleted from it, change widgets order. Each widget can have its own configuration. All these settings are saved per user. Bundles can provide their own widgets. The widget is a module, exporting 3 entities: default settings, ContentView and SetupView. ContentView and SetupView are Backbonejs views. defaults is template for widget's settings.

Mobile Web

Implemented responsive design for mobile devices.

Package Definition and Management

Added feature with possibility to manage external packages. User can install/uninstall/upgrade packages from Oro repository. Package Management has different entry point and different user session. You can get to it through the menu: System -> Package Management.


Added ability to define application theme in config, using oro_theme section in config.yml. Themes are needed to redefine styles specific for application (i.e. colors, fonts, etc).

Theme examples can be found in \Oro\Bundle\UIBundle\Resources\public\theme.

Notifications for record owners

Added ability to send notification emails for entity owners on user, business unit and organization levels. User can turn it on during creation or edit notification rule checking Owner checkbox in Recipient list.
If ownership type is user an email will be send to the primary email of this user, if business unit is set an email will be sent to primary emails of all users that belongs to this business unit. If organization is set - an email to all primary emails of the users that belongs to all business units of this organization.

--force option for oro:install

Added --force option for oro:install command. With this command user can reinstall application from CLI without checks of “installed” parameter.

Remove old Grid bundle

Enhanced implementation of the grids was placed in Oro/ Bundle /DataGridBundle. Oro/Bundle /GridBundle which left for backward compatibility in previous releases was removed.

Basic dashboards

Developers can create dashboards using configuration file dashboard.yml where in section “dashboards” a new instance can be declared with list of widgets declared in section “widgets”. Each bundle can provide its own dashboard.yml where a new dashboard can be added or change existing ones.

Example can be found in Oro\Bundle\DashboardBundle\Resources\config\dashboard.yml

Added basic dashboards for Oro Platform and OroCRM. On Oro Platform new dashboard with calendar and recent emails widgets is loaded by default.