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Add initial version of graphviz generator for synth designs. Still ne…
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…eds to be taught how to handle control proxies correctly.
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samaaron committed May 3, 2013
1 parent 871460a commit f8d97f7
Showing 1 changed file with 91 additions and 0 deletions.
91 changes: 91 additions & 0 deletions src/overtone/repl/graphviz.clj
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,91 @@
(ns overtone.repl.graphviz
(:use [overtone.repl.debug :only [unify-synthdef]]
[overtone.helpers.system :only [mac-os?]]

(defn- safe-name
(let [n (name n)]
(.replaceAll (.toLowerCase (str n)) "[-]" "____")))

(defn- simple-ugen?
(some #{(:name ug)} (keys unnormalized-unaryopugen-docspecs))
(some #{(:name ug)} (keys unnormalized-binaryopugen-docspecs))))

(defn- chop-last-char
(subs s 0 (dec (count s))))

(defn- generate-node-info
(doseq [ug ugs]
(if (= "control" (:name ug))
(println (str (:id ug) " [label = \"" "Control" "\" shape=doubleoctagon ]; "))
(println (str (:id ug)
(print " [label = \"{{ ")
(doseq [[in-name in-val] (reverse (:inputs ug))]
(print (str "<"
(safe-name in-name)
"> "
(simple-ugen? ug) (if (number? in-val)

(number? in-val) (str (name in-name) " " in-val)

:else (name in-name))
(print "} |"))
(:name ug)

" }\" style=" (cond
(= :ar (:rate ug)) "rounded"
:else "solid") " shape=record rankdir=LR];"))))))

(defn- print-connection
[n input ug]
(vector? input) (doseq [i input] (print-connection n i ug))
(associative? input) (println (str (:id input) " -> " (:id ug) ":" (safe-name n) " ;"))))

(defn- generate-node-connections
(doseq [ug ugs]
(doseq [[n input] (:inputs ug)]
(print-connection n input ug))))) ;

(defn- generate-unified-synth-gv
(let [ugs (:ugens unified-synth)]
(str (generate-node-info ugs)
(generate-node-connections ugs))))

(defn graphviz
"Generate dot notation for synth design.
(see overtone.repl.deub/unify-synthdef)"
(str "digraph synthdef {\n"
(generate-unified-synth-gv (unify-synthdef s))

(defn show-graphviz-synth
"Generate pdf of synth design. On Mac OSX also opens pdf."
(let [f-name (str "/tmp/" (or (:name s) (gensym)) ".pdf") ]
(sh "dot" "-Tpdf" "-o" f-name :in (graphviz s))
(when (mac-os?)
(sh "open" f-name)))
(str "PDF generated in " f-name)))

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