The seventh project for iOS pre-course using views and frames.
- Read this excerpt from the Big Nerd Ranch iOS Development book:
The UIView subclass template has provided two method stubs for you. The first is initWithFrame:, the designated initializer for UIView. This method takes one argument, a CGRect, that will become the view’s frame, a property on UIView.
@property (nonatomic) CGRect frame;
A view’s frame specifies the view’s size and its position relative to its superview. Because a view’s size is always specified by its frame, a view is always a rectangle.
A CGRect contains the members origin and size. The origin is a C structure of type CGPoint and contains two float members: x and y. The size is a C structure of type CGSize and has two float members: width and height.
Excerpt From: Conway, Joe. “iOS Programming: The Big Nerd Ranch Guide (4th Edition) (Big Nerd Ranch Guides).”
- You can modify a views frame like this:
self.aView.frame = CGRectMake(160, 240, 100, 150);
expects four arguments like such:CGRectMake(<CGFloat x>, <CGFloat y>, <CGFloat width>, <CGFloat height>)
Cocoa views have a very basic structure use frames for origin and size. Read Apple's Documentation on "View and Window Architecture"
For Objective C read tuts+ article "iOS Fundamentals: Frames, Bounds, and CGGeometry"
For Swift you'll need to read the tuts+ article, there aren't many good resources yet for UIViews and Swift.
###Step 1: Create a view controller subclass
- Clone down this project (or create a new single view controller in Xcode)
- Add a view controller to the app (if you cloned down)
- Set a new instance of the view controller to the root view controller of the window
###Step 2: Add the views to the view controller
- Add a redView, greenView, blueView, yellowView property to the interface of the view controller
- Add each view to the view controller's main view in the view did load method:
self.redView = [UIView new];
self.redView.backgroundColor = [UIColor redColor];
[self.view addSubview:self.redView];
###Step 3: Add methods to arrange the views 4 squares like a checkerboard
- Add a method called layoutSquares
- Calculate the width and height of the squares, the x of the second column and y of the second row
4 flat horizontal rectangles stacked
- Add a method called layoutHorizontalRectangles
- Calculate the width and height of the rectangles, and the y of each row
4 tall vertical rectangles
- Add a method called layoutVerticalRectangles
- Calculate the width and height of the rectangles, and the x of each column
4 squares arranged diagonally
- Add a method called layoutDiagonalSquares
- Calculate the width and height of the squares, the x and y of the each square