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Eric Peracchi Pisoni Eric-lz
Computer Engineering student - @ufrgs Former member of @Pampa-Aerodesign and @petcomputacaoufrgs


Luca Fritscher lucapcf
Computer Engineering student @ufrgs

Porto Alegre, Brazil

Lucca Miorelli miorelli
data engineer @DocPlanner ; chem.eng. @ufrgs


Nicolas Cendron Nickyecen
Computer Science undergraduate student at Instituto de Informática at UFRGS. I use my github for interesting small projects that are either useful or for fun.

Instituto de Informática da UFRGS Porto Alegre, Rio Grande do sul, Brasil

Gustavo Gil diemort

UFRGS | UERJ Porto Alegre, RS

João Antônio jads15
Futuro engenheiro de Inteligencia artificial
Leandro de Oliveira leo-smi
Elec. Eng. & Master | PPGTCA

UTFPR Brazil

Marcos Merlini imarcosmerlini
Full Stack Developer | PHP | JavaScript | TypeScript

Chapecó, Santa Catarina, Brasil

Guilherme Rafael Graeff GuilhermeGraeff
Desenvolvedor web, pesquisador e admirador de Ciência da Computação (Bioinfo e ML). Passar bem.

Porto Alegre - RS

Leonardo Azzi Martins leonardoazzi
Machine Learning Engineer @dbserver. Computer Science B.S. @ufrgs. Mechatronics Technician @ IFSul.

@dbserver Porto Alegre, Brazil

Lucina luci-dot-exe
Undergraduate student in Computer Engineering at UFRGS

@mobiltracker Porto Alegre, Brazil

Pietro Benati Carrara PietroCarrara
A imaginação é tão importante quanto o conhecimento, pois no meio da dificuldade encontra-se a gambiarra. Atualmente, apanhando pra me graduar na @ufrgs


Rafael Elter rafaelelter
Computer Engineering @ UFRGS

MBOCHIP Porto Alegre, Brazil

Mateus Kahler mateuskahler
No Abaeté tem uma lagoa escura.
Pedro Henrique Kopper phckopper
Hardware and firmware developer

@Canonical Porto Alegre, Brazil

Miguel Vieira mjggel

Porto Alegre,Brasil

Fabio Souto de Azevedo fazedo
I am a math professor at UFRGS.

Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul Brasil

Vilson Castro vilsoncastro
Systems Analyst, Graphic Designer, DBA and Software Developer/ DevOps.


Letícia dos Santos LeDSantos
Master's Student in Computing, Robotics Researcher on Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul (UFRGS) and University of Oslo (UiO)

@phir2-lab, ROBIN group UiO Porto Alegre, Brazil

João Vítor Lummertz joaovlummertz
Computer Science @ INF/UFRGS

Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil

bruna btorman
front-end developer | membro @he4rt

@he4rt Brazil

Gabriel Tavares gct02
Computer Science student at @ufrgs

Porto Alegre, Brazil

Luiza Meira luizameira
Jornalista, técnica em Gestão Cultural

Porto Alegre, RS - Brasil

Luca Boni Luca-Boni
Computer Science student at @ufrgs
Mateus Grellert grellert

Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul

Vicente Merlo antedeguemon

@scorebet Porto Alegre, Brazil

Leonardo Sebben leosebben
CS student at Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul (@ufrgs)
Davi Raubach DaviRaubach
Composer and accordionist.

Pelotas-RS, Brazil

Guilherme Beal GuiBeal

UFRGS Porto Alegre, RS, Brazil

Rafael Bueno but-1-eno
Estudante de Engenharia de energia na UERGS.

Engie Porto Alegre RS Brasil

Tânia Gonçalves taniacbg

Porto Alegre/RS - Brasil

Bruno Ribeiro brunorsch
Java Developer, Kotlin (JetBrains at all) passionate, and Minecrafter.

Porto Alegre, RS, Brazil

Gabriel Pastorello GabrielPastorello
Data Scientist - Brazil

Lojas Quero-Quero Porto Alegre - Brazil

Guto Hertzog gutohertzog
Just a dude.

@ufrgs Porto Alegre

Bachelor of EE at @ufrgs      MEng at @CentraleSupelec
Ian Kersz kerszamaral
Computer Engineering student @ufrgs

Porto Alegre - RS, Brazil

Bruno Montezano brunomontezano
Psychologist, computer technician and MSc in Psychiatry. Pursuing PhD in Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences at Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul (UFRGS)

@ufrgs Brazil