This Package provides Swift bindings to the tree-sitter parsing library.
First, create a parser:
import SwiftTreeSitter
let parser = Parser()
First, you'll need a Tree-sitter grammar for the language you want to parse. There are many existing grammars .
let javascript = Language(tree_sitter_javascript())
let rust = Language(tree_sitter_rust())
let go = Language(tree_sitter_go())
Then you can assign them to the parser:
Now you can parse source code:
let sourceCode = "let x = 1; console.log(x);"
let tree = parser.parse(source: sourceCode)!
let rootNode = tree.rootNode
XCTAssertEqual(rootNode.kind, "program")
XCTAssertEqual(rootNode.startPosition.column, 0)
XCTAssertEqual(rootNode.endPosition.column, 26)
Once you have a syntax tree, you can update it when your source code changes.
Passing in the previous edited tree makes parse
run much more quickly:
// Replace 'let' with 'const'
let newSourceCode = "const x = 1; console.log(x);"
startByte: 0,
oldEndByte: 3,
newEndByte: 5,
startPosition: Point(row: 0, column: 0),
oldEndPosition: Point(row: 0, column: 3),
newEndPosition: Point(row: 0, column: 5)
let newTree = parser.parse(source: newSourceCode, oldTree: tree)
The source code to parse can be provided either either as a string, a slice, a vector, or as a function that returns a slice.
let lines = source.components(separatedBy: .newlines)
let tree = parser.parseWith { (offset, position) -> Substring.UTF8View in
let row = Int(position.row)
let col = Int(position.column)
if row < lines.count {
let line = lines[row].utf8
if col < line.count {
return line[line.index(line.startIndex, offsetBy: col)...]
} else {
return Substring("\n").utf8
} else {
return Substring().utf8
This package is available through Swift Package Manager
.package(url: "", from: "0.0.3")