ansible-oracle v3.1.0
Release Summary
The switch to ansible-lint 0.6.1 introduced a lto of changes in 3.1.0. Hopefully nothing brokes by that.
Minor Changes
- Development helper (#279)
- READMEs rewritten (#268)
- Support of Read-Only ORACLE_HOMEs (#273)
- ansible-lint: Move to v6.6.1 (#277)
- ansible-lint: linting and github actions for playbooks and inventory (#270)
- ansible-lint: removed disabled rules for v6.6.1 (#280)
- github Actions: check antsibull changelog files (#276)
- github actions: antsibull-changelog removed obsolete branches (#270)
- inventory: New Inventory for has (#272)
- inventory: replaced old example inventory (#268)
- new playbooks for future inventory (#268)
- using ansible in docker container (#268)
- vagrant: Vagrantfile for dbfs & has (#272)
Removed Features (previously deprecated)
- desupported leftover racattackl-install.yml (#272)
Security Fixes
- orahost: fix permissions for sudoers (#263)
- orahost: security: changed default for configure_oracle_sudo to false (#263)
- ansible-lint: removed name[play] from execptions (#272)
- fix for oracle_packages with SLES 15 and 15.3 (#282)
- fixed/fully implemented rman catalog support in oradb_rman (#278)
- fixes transparent huge pages handling for SLES 15.x (#282)
- github actions: ansible-lint: removed args due to deprecation warning (#270)
- oradb_manage_db: Bugfix listener.ora for multiple Instances on 1 host (#275)
- oradb_manage_db: add missing netca.rsp. (#267)
- oradb_manage_db: new defaults for role (#268)
- orahost: new defaults for role (#268)
- orahost_ssh: added block with configure_cluster check (#271)
- orahost_storage: add --script to parted (#264)
- orasw_meta: added tasks/mount_stage_remote.yml (#269)
- orasw_meta: added tasks/umount_stage_remote.yml (#269)
- orasw_meta: new defaults for role (#268)
- requirements.yml: removed ansible-oracle due to loop in ansible-lint (#270)