A small collection of procedural dungeon generation algorithms.
Built with Rust & macroquad.
WebAssembly build deployed here.
Animated version (separate repo so I could deploy it too using github pages): mapgen-animated
deployed here
Clone the repository, then cargo run --release
cargo build --release --target wasm32-unknown-unknown
produces mapgen.wasm
under target/wasm32-unknown-unknown/release
Read this for a detailed example on what to do with it.
- Heavily inspired (and on occasion, downright stolen from) https://github.com/AtTheMatinee/dungeon-generation
- Tiles are from 0x72's amazing 16x16 dungeon tileset (v1 & v2)
- Algorithms (sometimes loosely, oftentimes lousily) based on:
- Tunneling algorithm: roguebasin
- BSP tree: roguebasin
- Random walk: roguebasin
- Cellular automata: roguebasin
- Room placement: rockpapershotgun
- Maze with rooms: journal.stuffwithstuff.com