Command4j is a general-purpose command framework for Java 8+ (use version 0.5 for Java 7). It lets you program custom interceptors (wrappers, filters), and handle cross-cutting concerns.
A good example is calling a remote web service. By putting the call itself into a command, command4j offers a couple of built-in extensions to deal with situations such as:
- logging
- failover/retry
- exception translation
- enforce timeout
Also, a command can be executed asynchronously, no need to wait for the result.
The command is the code to be executed. It can get an optional argument A and can return a result R. (If more than one argument must be passed to the command, an aggregator argument containing the others must be used.)
Commands can be chained: Execute command 1, take the result, feed it to command 2, return (and such).
The mode contains definitions that apply to a whole execution of a command, and is usually used for executing many commands.
The executor can execute a command directly. And it can create a CommandExecutorService, which can run commands concurrently.
Such extensions allow it to wrap the Command. This allows for executing code before, after or around each command. An example is a logging extension that informs before and after each execution.
//a command that sleeps 100ms, then returns null.
Command<Void, Void> command = new Command<Void, Void>() {
@Nullable @Override
public Void call(@NotNull Optional<Void> arg, @NotNull ExecutionContext ec) throws Exception {
return null;
//wrap the command with the timeout extension and allow max 500ms:
command = TimeoutExtensions.withTimeout(command, Duration.millis(500));
CommandExecutor executor = new CommandExecutorBuilder().build();
executor.execute(cmd, Mode.create(), null); //works, 100 is less than 500
//a command that throws
Command<Void, Void> command = new Command<Void, Void>() {
@Nullable @Override
public Void call(@NotNull Optional<Void> arg, @NotNull ExecutionContext ec) throws Exception {
throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Nah, can't do!");
//some exception translator impl
ExceptionTranslator myExceptionTranslator = new ExceptionTranslator() {
public boolean canTranslate(@NotNull Throwable t) {
return t instanceof UnsupportedOperationException;
@NotNull @Override
public Exception translate(@NotNull Throwable t) throws Exception {
throw new MyException("Translated", t);
//creating an executor that features translation:
CommandExecutor exceptionTranslationExecutor = new CommandExecutorBuilder()
.withExtension(new ExceptionTranslationExtension())
//enabling my translator in the mode:
Mode mode = Mode.create().with(ExceptionTranslationExtension.TRANSLATOR, myExceptionTranslator);
exceptionTranslationExecutor.command(cmd, mode, null);
CommandExecutor commandExecutor = new CommandExecutorBuilder()
//put in my extensions
ExecutorService javaExecutor = Executors.newFixedThreadPool(numThreads);
CommandExecutorService executorService = commandExecutor.service(javaExecutor);
Command<Void,Void> command = new Sleep(100);
for (int i=0; i<999; i++) {
ListenableFuture<Optional<Void>> submit = executorService.submit(cmd, mode, null);
For these and more examples see the unit tests.
For the Optional
class, and the ListeningExecutorService
, and probably some more.
For the Logger
For the @Nullable
and @NotNull
Command4j has been in development at http://www.optimaize.com for use in the http://www.nameapi.org web services for a long time, and is now published on GitHub. The interfaces and classes are well documented, and there is a fair amount of unit tests.
MIT License
Command4j was prototyped and written in large parts by Eike Kettner.
The library is available from Maven Central, the latest version is http://search.maven.org/#artifactdetails%7Ccom.optimaize.command4j%7Ccommand4j%7C0.5%7Cjar
For Java 8+:
<version>(version 0.6 to be released, currently snapshot)</version>
For Java 7: