OpenProject 12.5.5
Release date: 2023-05-16
We released OpenProject 12.5.5.
The release contains several bug fixes and we recommend updating to the newest version.
Bug fixes and changes
- Fixed: API v3 Group List Api sometimes misses embedded members field [#42303]
- Fixed: Wrong date format for the Slovenian language [#48032]
- Fixed: MyProjectPageToGrid migration fails [#48122]
- Fixed: Missing translation for "Comment added" on work package activity tracking [#48157]
- Fixed: Links from the welcome text stop working when text is edited [#48158]
- Fixed: Document not listing project name under My Page [#48177]
A big thanks to community members for reporting bugs and helping us identifying and providing fixes.
Special thanks for reporting and finding bugs go to
Maximilian Hippler, Simon B