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Releases: openstudioproject/openstudio

OpenStudio 2020.05.0

26 Jun 09:53
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Notice: This release of OpenStudio is only compatible with Python 3. Python 2 is no longer supported.

This update brings improvements to the online booking process and a few important updates with regards to security and reliability. It's highly recommended for all installations to update to this version.

New features

  • Information mails for classes (Sent automatically on booking)
  • Automatic emails for follow up on trial classes & cards
  • Automatic email to customers for new subscriptions
  • Reports > memberships
  • Reports > subscriptions > online
  • Ability to automatically add a second full month to the first invoice of a subscription in case the subscription is taken after the 15th of the current month.
  • Ability to hide trial cards for existing customers
  • Support Python 3.8
  • reCAPTCHA integration for the registration & password reset forms


  • Improve online class booking workflow
  • Improve management of online spaces for a class
  • Disable creating new enrollments from shop (To make sure all bookings are made when an info mail is present)
  • Disable recurring class bookings using class cards from shop (To make sure all bookings are made when an info mail is present)
  • Improve cash book non cash sales definitions
  • Improve IBAN checks for customer account numbers
  • Combine class check-in & selling of subscriptions, cards & memberships in PoS
  • Add a verified field to customer subscriptions
  • Improve logo layout on barcode labels
  • Improve handling of early bird prices for event tickets
  • Cashbook: Added a link to the teacher profile in the classes revenue list
  • Hide deprecated payment method field under customer > finance > bank account

Bug fixes

  • Fix MailChimp unsubscribe error
  • Fix duplicate payment batch items in some cases
  • Fix invoices not listing items in some cases
  • Fix teacher classes report not showing in some cases
  • Fix a nasty bug that would delete classes form the schedule that were created by an admin user
  • Fix a bug where the membership prices for a class might not be shown in some cases

Security fixes

  • Prevent SQL injections from /shop/classes url


  • This version OpenStudio will only run using Python 3. Python 2 is no longer supported.
  • requirements.txt has been added to the project root directory. Install required python modules using pip install -r requirements.txt. Using a virtual environment is recommended.
  • Run on Web2py 2.20.4 & MySQL 5.7

OpenStudio 2019.10.1

13 Aug 17:34
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Notice: This release of OpenStudio is only be compatible with Python 3. Python 2 is no longer supported.

New features

  • Improved control of trial class bookings in shop


  • A customer can now buy multiple tickets for the same event
  • Various automation tasks will show their status more accurately

Bug fixes

  • Fix error when checking-in using class cards
  • Fix MailChimp integration in customer profiles


  • This version OpenStudio will only run using Python 3. Python 2 is no longer supported.
  • requirements.txt has been added to the project root directory. Install required python modules using pip install -r requirements.txt. Using a virtual environment is recommended.
  • Run on Web2py 2.18.5

OpenStudio 2019.09.0

30 Jul 16:04
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This is a bug fix release. It takes care of the missing thumbnails and unreliable caching & export behavior in 2019.08.

OpenStudio 2019.08.0

30 Jul 09:02
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Notice: From this release OpenStudio will only be compatible with Python 3. Python 2 is no longer supported.

New features

  • Python 3 compatibility
  • Point of Sale
  • Minimum duration notifications for subscriptions in back-end
  • Option to allow customers to pay later for a drop-in class
  • Staff check-in configuration options


  • Improved invoices filter

And some bug fixes


  • From this version OpenStudio will only run using Python 3. Python 2 is no longer supported.
  • requirements.txt has been added to the project root directory. Install required python modules using pip install -r requirements.txt. Using a virtual environment is recommended.
  • Run on Web2py 2.18.5

OpenStudio 2019.06.1

15 Jun 13:06
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New features

  • Improved financial reporting

And some bug fixes


  • Run on Web2py 2.18.5

OpenStudio 2019.05.1

15 May 09:25
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OpenStudio 2019.04.1

25 Apr 06:34
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New features

  • Separate check out messages in shop for each type of product
  • Setting to disable trial cards in shop for existing customers
  • Setting to make mobile a mandatory field when a user creates an account
  • Search for School - Teachers


  • Shop allows users to buy a membership in case they don't have one and it's required for a subscription or card in one action

And some bug fixes


  • Run on Web2py 2.18.5

OpenStudio 2019.3.0

05 Apr 06:11
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New features

  • Ability to prevent check-ins on a subscription by adding a temporary check-in block
  • Log acceptance of subscription terms
  • Teachers can request sub teachers
  • Finance / Expenses
  • Custom "subscription activated" message when using direct debit for shop subscriptions


  • Group shop sales in cash book by general ledger account
  • List trial cards under reports / class cards
  • Improved usability of customer profiles on mobile devices
  • Update AdminLTE

And some bug fixes


  • Run on Web2py 2.18.4
  • Update redis library to lastest version using "pip uninstall redis" and "pip install redis"

Database maintenance

We cleaned up the database field a little bit by removing some unused fields. Unfortunately the foreign keys pointing to these fields have to be manually dropped before Web2py can complete the required migrations successfully. We also can't include an automatic script for this, as these keys might not be the same for every installation.

  • Remove the following foreign keys for the invoices table using SQL queries
    • classes_attendance_id
    • auth_customer_id
    • workshops_products_customers_id
    • customers_classcards_id
    • customers_subscriptions_id

mysql> show create table invoices;

  CONSTRAINT `invoices_ibfk_1` FOREIGN KEY (`invoices_groups_id`) REFERENCES `invoices_groups` (`id`) ON DELETE CASCADE,
  CONSTRAINT `invoices_ibfk_2` FOREIGN KEY (`auth_customer_id`) REFERENCES `auth_user` (`id`) ON DELETE CASCADE,
  CONSTRAINT `invoices_ibfk_3` FOREIGN KEY (`payment_methods_id`) REFERENCES `payment_methods` (`id`) ON DELETE CASCADE,
  CONSTRAINT `invoices_ibfk_4` FOREIGN KEY (`customers_classcards_id`) REFERENCES `customers_classcards` (`id`) ON DELETE CASCADE,
  CONSTRAINT `invoices_ibfk_5` FOREIGN KEY (`workshops_products_customers_id`) REFERENCES `workshops_products_customers` (`id`) ON DELETE CASCADE,
  CONSTRAINT `invoices_ibfk_6` FOREIGN KEY (`classes_attendance_id`) REFERENCES `classes_attendance` (`id`) ON DELETE CASCADE,
  CONSTRAINT `invoices_ibfk_7` FOREIGN KEY (`customers_subscriptions_id`) REFERENCES `customers_subscriptions` (`id`) ON DELETE CASCADE

mysql> alter table invoices drop foreign key receipts_ibfk_<number for key to remove>

Remove a foreign key for the receipts table using a SQL query

mysql> show create table receipts;

  CONSTRAINT `receipts_ibfk_1` FOREIGN KEY (`payment_methods_id`) REFERENCES `payment_methods` (`id`) ON DELETE CASCADE,
  CONSTRAINT `receipts_ibfk_2` FOREIGN KEY (`Created_by`) REFERENCES `auth_user` (`id`) ON DELETE CASCADE,
  CONSTRAINT `receipts_ibfk_3` FOREIGN KEY (`CreatedBy`) REFERENCES `auth_user` (`id`) ON DELETE CASCADE

mysql> alter table receipts drop foreign key receipts_ibfk_<number for Created_by>

OpenStudio 2019.02.4

05 Apr 06:03
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Bump version

OpenStudio 2019.01.3

11 Feb 16:38
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More Exact Online improvements