- Code of conduct
- Requirements
- Quick start
- Project structure
- Adding a Viash component
- Running a component from CLI
- Building a component
- Unit testing a component
- More information
OpenProblems is a community effort, and everyone is welcome to contribute. This project is hosted on github.com/openproblems-bio/openproblems-v2.
We as members, contributors, and leaders pledge to make participation in our community a harassment-free experience for everyone, regardless of age, body size, visible or invisible disability, ethnicity, sex characteristics, gender identity and expression, level of experience, education, socio-economic status, nationality, personal appearance, race, caste, color, religion, or sexual identity and orientation.
We pledge to act and interact in ways that contribute to an open, welcoming, diverse, inclusive, and healthy community.
Our full Code of Conduct is adapted from the Contributor Covenant, version 2.1.
To use this repository, please install the following dependencies:
- Bash
- Java (Java 11 or higher)
- Docker (Instructions here)
- Nextflow (Optional, though very easy to install)
The src/
folder contains modular software components for running a
modality alignment benchmark. Running the full pipeline is quite easy.
Step 0, fetch Viash and Nextflow
mkdir $HOME/bin
curl -fsSL get.viash.io | bash -s -- --bin $HOME/bin --tools false
curl -s https://get.nextflow.io | bash; mv nextflow $HOME/bin
Make sure that Viash and Nextflow are on the $PATH by checking whether the following commands work:
viash -v
nextflow -v
viash 0.6.6 (c) 2020 Data Intuitive
nextflow version
Step 1, download test resources: by running the following command.
viash run src/common/sync_test_resources/config.vsh.yaml
Completed 256.0 KiB/7.2 MiB (302.6 KiB/s) with 6 file(s) remaining
Completed 512.0 KiB/7.2 MiB (595.8 KiB/s) with 6 file(s) remaining
Completed 768.0 KiB/7.2 MiB (880.3 KiB/s) with 6 file(s) remaining
Completed 1.0 MiB/7.2 MiB (1.1 MiB/s) with 6 file(s) remaining
Completed 1.2 MiB/7.2 MiB (1.3 MiB/s) with 6 file(s) remaining
Step 2, build all the components: in the src/
folder as standalone
executables in the target/
folder. Use the -q 'xxx'
parameter to
build a subset of components in the repository.
viash ns build --query 'label_projection|common' --parallel --setup cachedbuild
In development mode with 'dev'.
Exporting split_dataset (label_projection) =docker=> target/docker/label_projection/split_dataset
Exporting accuracy (label_projection/metrics) =docker=> target/docker/label_projection/metrics/accuracy
Exporting random_labels (label_projection/control_methods) =docker=> target/docker/label_projection/control_methods/random_labels
[notice] Building container 'label_projection/control_methods_random_labels:dev' with Dockerfile
[notice] Building container 'common/data_processing_dataset_concatenate:dev' with Dockerfile
[notice] Building container 'label_projection/metrics_accuracy:dev' with Dockerfile
Viash will build a whole namespace (ns
) into executables and Nextflow
pipelines into the target/docker
and target/nextflow
respectively. By adding the -q/--query
flag, you can filter which
components to build using a regex. By adding the --parallel
these components are built in parallel (otherwise it will take a really
long time). The flag --setup cachedbuild
will automatically start
building Docker containers for each of these methods.
The command might take a while to run, since it is building a docker container for each of the components.
Step 3, run the pipeline with nextflow. To do so, run the bash
script located at src/label_projection/workflows/run_nextflow.sh
N E X T F L O W ~ version 22.04.5
Launching `src/label_projection/workflows/run/main.nf` [pensive_turing] DSL2 - revision: 16b7b0c332
executor > local (28)
[f6/f89435] process > run_wf:run_methods:true_labels:true_labels_process (pancreas.true_labels) [100%] 1 of 1 ✔
[ed/d674a2] process > run_wf:run_methods:majority_vote:majority_vote_process (pancreas.majority_vote) [100%] 1 of 1 ✔
[15/f0a427] process > run_wf:run_methods:random_labels:random_labels_process (pancreas.random_labels) [100%] 1 of 1 ✔
[02/969d05] process > run_wf:run_methods:knn:knn_process (pancreas.knn) [100%] 1 of 1 ✔
[90/5fdf9a] process > run_wf:run_methods:mlp:mlp_process (pancreas.mlp) [100%] 1 of 1 ✔
[c7/dee2e5] process > run_wf:run_methods:logistic_regression:logistic_regression_process (pancreas.logistic_regression) [100%] 1 of 1 ✔
[83/3ba0c9] process > run_wf:run_methods:scanvi:scanvi_process (pancreas.scanvi) [100%] 1 of 1 ✔
[e3/2c298e] process > run_wf:run_methods:seurat_transferdata:seurat_transferdata_process (pancreas.seurat_transferdata) [100%] 1 of 1 ✔
[d6/7212ab] process > run_wf:run_methods:xgboost:xgboost_process (pancreas.xgboost) [100%] 1 of 1 ✔
[b6/7dc1a7] process > run_wf:run_metrics:accuracy:accuracy_process (pancreas.scanvi) [100%] 9 of 9 ✔
[be/7d4da4] process > run_wf:run_metrics:f1:f1_process (pancreas.scanvi) [100%] 9 of 9 ✔
[89/dcd77a] process > run_wf:aggregate_results:extract_scores:extract_scores_process (combined) [100%] 1 of 1 ✔
High level overview: . ├── bin Helper scripts for building the project
and developing a new component. ├── resources_test Datasets for testing
components. If you don’t have this folder, run Step 1 above. ├── src
Source files for each component in the pipeline. │ ├── common Common
processing components. │ ├── datasets Components and pipelines for
building the ‘Common datasets’ │ ├── label_projection Source files
related to the ‘Label projection’ task. │ └── … Other tasks. └── target
Executables generated by viash based on the components listed under
. ├── docker Bash executables which can be used from a terminal.
└── nextflow Nextflow modules which can be used as a standalone pipeline
or as part of a bigger pipeline.
Detailed overview of a task folder (e.g. src/label_projection
├── api Specs for the components in this task.
├── control_methods Control methods which serve as quality control checks for the benchmark.
├── docs Task documentation
├── methods Label projection method components.
├── metrics Label projection metric components.
├── resources_scripts The scripts needed to run the benchmark.
├── resources_test_scripts The scripts needed to generate the test resources (which are needed for unit testing).
├── split_dataset A component that masks a common dataset for use in the benchmark
└── workflows The benchmarking workflow.
Detailed overview of the src/datasets
├── api Specs for the data loaders and normalisation methods.
├── loaders Components for ingesting datasets from a source.
├── normalization Normalization method components.
├── processors Other preprocessing components (e.g. HVG and PCA).
├── resource_scripts The scripts needed to generate the common datasets.
├── resource_test_scripts The scripts needed to generate the test resources (which are needed for unit testing).
└── workflows The workflow which generates the common datasets.
Viash allows you to create pipelines in Bash or Nextflow by wrapping Python, R, or Bash scripts into reusable components.
You can start creating a new component by creating a Viash component.
For example, to create a new Python-based method named foo
, create a
Viash config at src/label_projection/methods/foo/config.vsh.yaml
__merge__: ../../api/comp_method.yaml
name: "foo"
namespace: "label_projection/methods"
# A multiline description of your method.
description: "Todo: fill in"
type: method
# a short label of your method
label: Foo
paper_doi: "10.1234/1234.5678.1234567890"
# if you don't have a Doi, you can specify a name, url and year manually:
# paper_name: "Nearest neighbor pattern classification"
# paper_url: "https://doi.org/10.1109/TIT.1967.1053964"
# paper_year: 1967
code_url: "https://github.com/my_organisation/foo"
- type: python_script
path: script.py
- type: docker
image: "python:3.10"
- type: python
- anndata>=0.8
- scikit-learn
- type: nextflow
And create a script at src/label_projection/methods/foo/script.py
import anndata as ad
import numpy as np
# This code-block will automatically be replaced by Viash at runtime.
par = {
'input_train': 'resources_test/label_projection/pancreas/train.h5ad',
'input_test': 'resources_test/label_projection/pancreas/test.h5ad',
'output': 'output.h5ad'
meta = {
'functionality_name': 'foo'
print("Load data")
input_train = ad.read_h5ad(par['input_train'])
input_test = ad.read_h5ad(par['input_test'])
print("Create predictions")
input_test.obs["label_pred"] = "foo"
print("Add method name to uns")
input_test.uns["method_id"] = meta["functionality_name"]
print("Write output to file")
input_test.write_h5ad(par["output"], compression="gzip")
You can view the interface of the executable by running the executable
with the -h
or --help
viash run src/label_projection/methods/foo/config.vsh.yaml -- --help
foo dev
Todo: fill in
type: file, file must exist
example: training.h5ad
The training data
type: file, file must exist
example: test.h5ad
The test data (without labels)
type: file, output, file must exist
example: prediction.h5ad
The prediction file
You can run the component as follows:
viash run src/label_projection/methods/foo/config.vsh.yaml -- \
--input_train resources_test/label_projection/pancreas/train.h5ad \
--input_test resources_test/label_projection/pancreas/test.h5ad \
--output resources_test/label_projection/pancreas/prediction.h5ad
[notice] Checking if Docker image is available at 'ghcr.io/openproblems-bio/label_projection/methods_foo:dev'
[warning] Could not pull from 'ghcr.io/openproblems-bio/label_projection/methods_foo:dev'. Docker image doesn't exist or is not accessible.
[notice] Building container 'ghcr.io/openproblems-bio/label_projection/methods_foo:dev' with Dockerfile
Load data
Create predictions
Add method name to uns
Write output to file
has several helper functions to help you quickly develop a
With viash build
, you can turn the component into a standalone
executable. This standalone executable you can give to somebody else,
and they will be able to run it, provided that they have Bash and Docker
viash build src/label_projection/methods/foo/config.vsh.yaml \
-o target/docker/label_projection/methods/foo
component does a much better job of setting up a collection of components.
You can now view the same interface of the executable by running the
executable with the -h
target/docker/label_projection/methods/foo/foo -h
foo dev
Todo: fill in
type: file, file must exist
example: training.h5ad
The training data
type: file, file must exist
example: test.h5ad
The test data (without labels)
type: file, output, file must exist
example: prediction.h5ad
The prediction file
Or run the component as follows:
target/docker/label_projection/methods/foo/foo \
--input_train resources_test/label_projection/pancreas/train.h5ad \
--input_test resources_test/label_projection/pancreas/test.h5ad \
--output resources_test/label_projection/pancreas/prediction.h5ad
Load data
Create predictions
Add method name to uns
Write output to file
The method API
specifications comes with a
generic unit test for free. This means you can unit test your component
using the viash test
viash test src/label_projection/methods/foo/config.vsh.yaml
Running tests in temporary directory: '/home/rcannood/workspace/viash_temp/viash_test_foo17760509097337858011'
+/home/rcannood/workspace/viash_temp/viash_test_foo17760509097337858011/build_executable/foo ---verbosity 6 ---setup cachedbuild
[notice] Building container 'ghcr.io/openproblems-bio/label_projection/methods_foo:test_nGvjdE' with Dockerfile
[info] Running 'docker build -t ghcr.io/openproblems-bio/label_projection/methods_foo:test_nGvjdE /home/rcannood/workspace/viash_temp/viash_test_foo17760509097337858011/build_executable -f /home/rcannood/workspace/viash_temp/viash_test_foo17760509097337858011/build_executable/tmp/dockerbuild-foo-C7VuUU/Dockerfile'
Sending build context to Docker daemon 39.94kB
Step 1/7 : FROM python:3.10
---> 465483cdaa4e
Step 2/7 : RUN pip install --upgrade pip && pip install --upgrade --no-cache-dir "anndata>=0.8" "scikit-learn"
---> Using cache
---> 91f658ec0590
Step 3/7 : LABEL org.opencontainers.image.description="Companion container for running component label_projection/methods foo"
---> Using cache
---> f1ace85a71b0
Step 4/7 : LABEL org.opencontainers.image.created="2022-12-17T08:47:34+01:00"
---> Running in 299ea3924905
Removing intermediate container 299ea3924905
---> 6fc97da56de8
Step 5/7 : LABEL org.opencontainers.image.source="https://github.com/openproblems-bio/openproblems-v2"
---> Running in bf60068c5fe8
Removing intermediate container bf60068c5fe8
---> 20ff545ec27a
Step 6/7 : LABEL org.opencontainers.image.revision="8a4877920fc79009dcb1e4bb16674b3b441c75ab"
---> Running in c4410d3a7c78
Removing intermediate container c4410d3a7c78
---> 1a57a0d9a7e5
Step 7/7 : LABEL org.opencontainers.image.version="test_nGvjdE"
---> Running in 81d7a66aa40a
Removing intermediate container 81d7a66aa40a
---> 9d84592b1c1e
Successfully built 9d84592b1c1e
Successfully tagged ghcr.io/openproblems-bio/label_projection/methods_foo:test_nGvjdE
>> Running script as test
>> Checking whether output file exists
>> Reading h5ad files
input_test: AnnData object with n_obs × n_vars = 130 × 443
obs: 'batch'
var: 'hvg', 'hvg_score'
uns: 'dataset_id', 'normalization_id'
obsm: 'X_pca'
layers: 'counts', 'normalized'
output: AnnData object with n_obs × n_vars = 130 × 443
obs: 'batch', 'label_pred'
var: 'hvg', 'hvg_score'
uns: 'dataset_id', 'method_id', 'normalization_id'
obsm: 'X_pca'
layers: 'counts', 'normalized'
>> Checking whether predictions were added
Checking whether data from input was copied properly to output
All checks succeeded!
�[32mSUCCESS! All 1 out of 1 test scripts succeeded!�[0m
Cleaning up temporary directory
Let’s introduce a bug in the script and try running the test again. For instance:
import anndata as ad
import numpy as np
# This code-block will automatically be replaced by Viash at runtime.
par = {
'input_train': 'resources_test/label_projection/pancreas/train.h5ad',
'input_test': 'resources_test/label_projection/pancreas/test.h5ad',
'output': 'output.h5ad'
meta = {
'functionality_name': 'foo'
print("Load data")
input_train = ad.read_h5ad(par['input_train'])
input_test = ad.read_h5ad(par['input_test'])
print("Not creating any predictions!!!")
# input_test.obs["label_pred"] = "foo"
print("Not adding method name to uns!!!")
# input_test.uns["method_id"] = meta["functionality_name"]
print("Write output to file")
input_test.write_h5ad(par["output"], compression="gzip")
If we now run the test, we should get an error since we didn’t create all of the required output slots.
viash test src/label_projection/methods/foo/config.vsh.yaml
Running tests in temporary directory: '/home/rcannood/workspace/viash_temp/viash_test_foo4037451094287802128'
+/home/rcannood/workspace/viash_temp/viash_test_foo4037451094287802128/build_executable/foo ---verbosity 6 ---setup cachedbuild
[notice] Building container 'ghcr.io/openproblems-bio/label_projection/methods_foo:test_lnevgh' with Dockerfile
[info] Running 'docker build -t ghcr.io/openproblems-bio/label_projection/methods_foo:test_lnevgh /home/rcannood/workspace/viash_temp/viash_test_foo4037451094287802128/build_executable -f /home/rcannood/workspace/viash_temp/viash_test_foo4037451094287802128/build_executable/tmp/dockerbuild-foo-VUcsWQ/Dockerfile'
Sending build context to Docker daemon 39.94kB
Step 1/7 : FROM python:3.10
---> 465483cdaa4e
Step 2/7 : RUN pip install --upgrade pip && pip install --upgrade --no-cache-dir "anndata>=0.8" "scikit-learn"
---> Using cache
---> 91f658ec0590
Step 3/7 : LABEL org.opencontainers.image.description="Companion container for running component label_projection/methods foo"
---> Using cache
---> f1ace85a71b0
Step 4/7 : LABEL org.opencontainers.image.created="2022-12-17T08:47:52+01:00"
---> Running in ae1e366b6410
Removing intermediate container ae1e366b6410
---> 458c1b49e8b4
Step 5/7 : LABEL org.opencontainers.image.source="https://github.com/openproblems-bio/openproblems-v2"
---> Running in 06a244e7be1e
Removing intermediate container 06a244e7be1e
---> cc48147df9e8
Step 6/7 : LABEL org.opencontainers.image.revision="8a4877920fc79009dcb1e4bb16674b3b441c75ab"
---> Running in 2372d2bddd3d
Removing intermediate container 2372d2bddd3d
---> 7bcad47b5d1b
Step 7/7 : LABEL org.opencontainers.image.version="test_lnevgh"
---> Running in 6499fcfa63af
Removing intermediate container 6499fcfa63af
---> 2213de86e5bc
Successfully built 2213de86e5bc
Successfully tagged ghcr.io/openproblems-bio/label_projection/methods_foo:test_lnevgh
Traceback (most recent call last):
>> Running script as test
>> Checking whether output file exists
File "/viash_automount/home/rcannood/workspace/viash_temp/viash_test_foo4037451094287802128/test_generic_test/tmp//viash-run-foo-BVsf0m.py", line 57, in <module>
>> Reading h5ad files
assert "label_pred" in output.obs
input_test: AnnData object with n_obs × n_vars = 130 × 443
obs: 'batch'
var: 'hvg', 'hvg_score'
uns: 'dataset_id', 'normalization_id'
obsm: 'X_pca'
layers: 'counts', 'normalized'
output: AnnData object with n_obs × n_vars = 130 × 443
obs: 'batch'
var: 'hvg', 'hvg_score'
uns: 'dataset_id', 'normalization_id'
obsm: 'X_pca'
layers: 'counts', 'normalized'
>> Checking whether predictions were added
�[31mERROR! Only 0 out of 1 test scripts succeeded!�[0m
Unexpected error occurred! If you think this is a bug, please post
create an issue at https://github.com/viash-io/viash/issues containing
a reproducible example and the stack trace below.
viash - 0.6.6
java.lang.RuntimeException: Only 0 out of 1 test scripts succeeded!
at io.viash.ViashTest$.apply(ViashTest.scala:111)
at io.viash.Main$.internalMain(Main.scala:185)
at io.viash.Main$.main(Main.scala:77)
at io.viash.Main.main(Main.scala)
The Viash reference docs page provides information on all of the available fields in a Viash config, and the Guide will help you get started with creating components from scratch.