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Go Programming Tutorial

 1. Introduction to Go Programming

  • What is Go?

    • Simple but fast, popular programming language for cloud engineering
    • statically typed, compiled programming language
    • Developed by google in 2007
    • Open sourced in 2009
    • Often known as golang
    • Syntax has similarity with C,C++
    • Mainly used as a server side or backend language
    • Supports cross-os
  • Why Go?

    • For making simple, reliable and efficient computer program/software
    • Helps to create high performance applications but use less resources
    • It helps to write concurrent multithread programs
  • Prerequisities

    • Nothing, but knowing C/C++ or any programming language is an advantage

 2. Go Program structure

  • package declaration - every go program is consist of packages. it is a mandatory thing. it has to be the first statement of go program.
  • import packages
  • function
  • statement
  // main.go
  package main

  importfmtfunc main() {

    fmt.Println(“My name is Anisul Islam”)


  output: My name is Anisul Islam

 3. Environment setup

  • IDE / Text Editor -> Any text editor- notepad / notepad++ / VSCode (free), Vim (free) / GoLand (paid)
  • Go compiler -> compiler translate the source code into machine/executable code so that machine can understand the instructions
  • go extension for VSCode

 4. First Go Program

  • A simple go program

    // filename: main.go
    // a program for printing student details
    package main
    import "fmt"
    func main() {
      fmt.Println("Anisul Islam is a student")
      fmt.Println("Anisul Islam is 32 years old")
      fmt.Println("Anisul Islam has got GPA 3.92/5 in SSC")
      fmt.Print("Anisul Islam originally from Bangladesh");
  • running the program

    • go mod init project-name
    • go run fileName.go

 5. Tokens - Escape sequences & comments

  • Token of any programming language

    • keywords
    • data types
    • variables
    • Escapse sequences
    • operators
  • escape sequences example

      package main
      import "fmt"
      func main(){
        fmt.Print("Name \t Age\n")
        fmt.Print("----- \t ------\n")
        fmt.Print("Anis \t 32\n")
        fmt.Print("Rakib \t 29\n")
  • there are 2 types of comment is available in Go -> single line, multiple line comment. comments are ignored by the compiler.

      // single line comment

 6. Keywords & Data types

  • keywords: keywords are reserved words. keywords

  • Data types: boolean, string, numeric - integer, floating, derived types - pointer, array, structure, slice, map, interface etc.

  • example of data types

      "anisul islam" -> string type
      21 -> int type
      21.5 -> floating type
      true/false -> bool
      // more on int, float
      variation of integer-> int8 (8 bits), int16, int32, int64, uint8 (only positive 0 to 255), uint6, uint32, uint64
      variation of float-> float32, float64

 7. Variables

  • syntax of variable declaration: var variable1, variable2, ... variableN dataType

  • variable naming convention (camelcasing)

  • example

      package main
      import "fmt"
      func main(){
        // static variable declaration
        var name, country string
        var age int
        var gpa float32
        // variable initialization
        name = "anisul islam"
        country = "Bangladesh"
        age = 32
        gpa = 3.92
        // dynamic variable declaration + initialization
       //  var name = "Anisul Islam"
       //  var country = "Bangladesh"
       //  var age = 32
       //  var gpa = 3.92
       // var name,country,age,gpa = "anisul islam", "Bangladesh", 32, 3.92
       // shortcuts
       // name := "Anisul Islam"
       // country := "Bangladesh"
       // age := 32
       // gpa := 3.92
        fmt.Println(name, " is a student")
        fmt.Println(name,"is", age, "years old")
        fmt.Println(name, "has got" , gpa, "/5 in SSC")
        fmt.Print(name,"originally from ", country);

 8. Formatting output

 package main
 import "fmt"
 func main(){
    name := "Anisul Islam"
    country := "Bangladesh"
    age := 32
    gpa := 3.92

    fmt.Printf("%v is a student\n", name)
    fmt.Printf("%v is %v years old\n", name, age)
    fmt.Printf("%v has got GPA %v/5 in SSC\n", name, gpa)
    fmt.Printf("%v originally from %v\n", name, country);

 9. Constants && Getting User Input

  • Constants indicate to fix values

      package main
      import "fmt"
      func main(){
        var name string
       	const COUNTRY = "Bangladesh"
       	var age, num1, num2 int
       	var gpa float32
    		fmt.Printf("Enter your name: ")
    		fmt.Scanf("%v", &name)
    		fmt.Printf("Enter your age: ")
    		fmt.Printf("Enter your SSC gpa: ")
    		fmt.Printf("Enter 2 numbers: ")
    		fmt.Scan(&num1, &num2)
        fmt.Printf("%v is a student\n", name)
        fmt.Printf("%v is %v years old\n", name, age)
        fmt.Printf("%v has got GPA %v/5 in SSC\n", name, gpa)
        fmt.Printf("%v originally from %v\n", name, COUNTRY);
        fmt.Printf("num1 = %v, num2 = %v\n", num1, num2);

 10. Number conversion calculator & number formatting

    package main

    import "fmt"
    func main(){

      // string formatting
      // var name = "Anisul Islam"
      // fmt.Printf("%s\n",name)
      // fmt.Printf("%q\n",name)

        // floating number formatting
      // var number = 3.1416
      // fmt.Printf("%.2f\n",number)

      var decimalNumber int

      fmt.Printf("decimal number= ")
      fmt.Scanf("%v", &decimalNumber)

      fmt.Printf("Binary Number = %b\n",decimalNumber)
      fmt.Printf("Octal Number = %o\n",decimalNumber)
      fmt.Printf("Hexa Number = %x\n",decimalNumber)


 11. Operators

  • operator - symbol for doing calculation

  • Types of operators

    • Arithmetic Operators -> +, -, *, /, %
    • Assignment Operators -> =, +=, -=, *=, /=, %=
    • Unary Operators -> ++, --
    • Relational Operators
    • Logical operators -> &&, ||, !
    • Bitwise operators -> &, |, ^
    • others -> , (comma), & (returns address), * (pointer)
  • example of Arithmetic operator

      package main
      import "fmt"
      func main(){
        // arithmetic operator -> +, -, *, /, %
        var num1, num2 int
        fmt.Printf("num1= ");
        fmt.Printf("num2= ");
        result := num1 + num2
        fmt.Printf("%v+%v=%v\n", num1, num2, result)
        result = num1 - num2
        fmt.Printf("%v-%v=%v\n", num1, num2, result)
        result = num1 * num2
        fmt.Printf("%v*%v=%v\n", num1, num2, result)
        var result2 =  float32(num1) / float32(num2)
        fmt.Printf("%v/%v=%v\n", num1, num2, result2)
        result = num1 % num2
        fmt.Printf("%v%%%v=%v\n", num1, num2, result)

 12. Find the area of triangle and circle

    package main

    import "fmt"
    func main(){

      var radius, area float32

      fmt.Printf("Enter Radius : ")

      area = 3.1416 * radius * radius
      fmt.Printf("Area of circle: %v\n",area)

      // a program to calculate area of triangle
      // var base, height, area float32

      // fmt.Printf("Base = ")
      // fmt.Scan(&base)

      // fmt.Printf("Height = ")
      // fmt.Scan(&height)

      // area = 0.5 * base * height

      // fmt.Printf("Area of triangle = %v\n", area)

 13. Assignment Operator

    package main

    import "fmt"
    func main(){

        // 2. Assignment Operators -> =, +=, -=, *=, /=, %=

        x := 4

        x = x + 1
        x+=1 // x = x + 1
        x-=1 // x = x - 1
        x*=1 // x = x * 1
        x/=1 // x = x / 1
        x%=1 // x = x % 1

        fmt.Printf("x = %v\n",x)

 14. Unary Operator

 15. Relational Operator

 16. Logical Operator

 17. Bitwise Operator

    package main

    import "fmt"
    func main(){

      x := 18      // 18 = 10010
      y := 17      // 17 = 10001
      and := x & y   //16  = 10000
      or := x | y   //19  = 10011
      exor := x ^ y   //3  = 00011
      fmt.Printf("x & y = %v\n",and)
      fmt.Printf("x | y = %v\n",or)
      fmt.Printf("x ^ y = %v\n",exor)


 18. if, else if, else control statement

      // with if only
      package main

      import "fmt"
      func main(){
        // a program to determine positive / negative / zero
        number := 10
        if number > 0 {
        if number < 0 {
        if number == 0 {

      // with if, else if
      package main

      import "fmt"
      func main(){
        // a program to determine positive / negative / zero
        number := 10
        if number > 0 {
        }	else if number < 0 {
        } else if number == 0 {

      // with if, else if, else
      package main

      import "fmt"
      func main(){
        // a program to determine positive / negative / zero
        number := 10
        if number > 0 {
        }	else if number < 0 {
        } else {

 19. A Go program to determine whether a number is even/odd

    // a go program to determine even/odd
  package main

  import "fmt"
  func main(){
    var number int
    fmt.Printf("Enter any integer: ")

    if number % 2 == 0 {
    }	else {

 20. A Go program to find largest number among 3 numbers using relational operators

package main

import "fmt"
func main(){
	var number1, number2, number3 int
	fmt.Printf("Enter 3 numbers: ")
	fmt.Scanf("%v %v %v",&number1, &number2, &number3)

	if number1 > number2 {
		if number1 > number3 {
			fmt.Printf("%v is the largest number\n", number1)
			fmt.Printf("%v is the largest number\n", number3)
	}	else if number2 > number1 {
		if number2 > number3 {
			fmt.Printf("%v is the largest number\n", number2)
			fmt.Printf("%v is the largest number\n", number3)
	}	else {
		fmt.Printf("Numbers are equal\n")

 21. A Go program to find largest number among 3 numbers using Logical operators

package main

import "fmt"
func main(){
	var number1, number2, number3 int
	fmt.Printf("Enter 3 numbers: ")
	fmt.Scanf("%v %v %v",&number1, &number2, &number3)

	if (number1 > number2) && (number1 > number3){
			fmt.Printf("%v is the largest number\n", number1)
	}	else if (number2 > number1) && (number2 > number3){
			fmt.Printf("%v is the largest number\n", number2)
	}	else if (number3 > number1) && (number3 > number2){
			fmt.Printf("%v is the largest number\n", number3)
	}	else {
		fmt.Printf("Numbers are equal\n")

 22. A Go program to spell digits

  // a go program to spell digits with if, else if, else
package main

import "fmt"
func main(){
	var digit int
	fmt.Printf("Enter a digit (0-9): ")

	if (digit == 0){
	}	else if (digit == 1){
	}	else if (digit == 2){
	}	else if (digit == 3){
	}	else if (digit == 4){
	}	else if (digit == 5){
	}	else if (digit == 6){
	}	else if (digit == 7){
	}	else if (digit == 8){
	}	else if (digit == 9){
	}	else {
		fmt.Printf("Not a digit\n")

 23. switch control statement

- same as c, c++, java, js but only difference you do not use break statement. only run the mateched statement
  // a go program to spell digits with switch statement
package main

import "fmt"
func main(){
	var digit int
	fmt.Printf("Enter a digit (0-9): ")

	switch digit {
	case 0:
	case 1:
	case 2:
	case 3:
	case 4:
	case 5:
	case 6:
	case 7:
	case 8:
	case 9:

  // multiple cases possible
  // case 0,1,2,3,4:
  //   fmt.Printf("less than 5" )
		fmt.Printf("Not a digit\n")


 24. Loop control statement

  • in go we have only 1 loop which is for loop; can take form of while loop as weell
  • it helps us to execute some statements again and again

 25. Series related programs

    package main

    import "fmt"
    func main(){

        // series -> 2 + 4 + 6 + 8 + ... N
        var startNumber, endNumber int

        fmt.Printf("Enter the starting number of series: ")

        fmt.Printf("Enter the last number of series: ")

        sum := 0
        for i := startNumber; i <= endNumber; i=i+2 {
          sum = sum + i
        fmt.Printf("sum = %v\n",sum)


 26. break and continue statement

  package main

import "fmt"
func main(){

	// break, continue statement

	for i := 1; i <= 10; i++ {
		if i%2 == 0 {
	for i := 1; i <= 10; i++ {
		if i%2 == 0 {


 27. Functions

 package main

  import "fmt"

  func square (number int) int{
    return number * number

  func displayMessage(country string){
    fmt.Printf("I love my motherland: %v\n", country)

  func main(){
    fmt.Printf("Square of 6 = %v\n",square(6))
    fmt.Printf("Square of 7 = %v\n",square(7))

 28. create a function for calculator

    package main

    import "fmt"

    func add(x, y float32) float32{
      return x + y
    func sub(x, y float32) float32{
      return x - y
    func mul(x, y float32) float32{
      return x * y
    func div(x, y float32) float32{
      return x / y

    func main(){
      var num1, num2, result float32
      var option string

      for  i==true {
        fmt.Printf("num1 = ")

        fmt.Printf("num2 = ")

        fmt.Printf("choose an option ( + - * / ) : ")

        switch option {
          case "+":
            result = add(num1, num2)
          case "-":
            result = sub(num1, num2)
          case "*":
            result = mul(num1, num2)
          case "/":
            result = div(num1, num2)
            fmt.Println("Invalid option")
        fmt.Printf("Result = %v\n",result)

 29. Pointers

  • dereferencing operator

  • A pointer is a variable whose value is the address of another variable, declaration: var varName *varType

    package main
    import "fmt"
    func change (val int) {
      val = 8
    func changeWihPointer (val *int) {
      *val = 8
    func main(){
      // call by reference


- class is not supported here but we can use structs
  • example

        package main
        import "fmt"
         type Student struct{
            name string
            age int
            id int
        func main(){
           <!-- type Student struct{
            name string
            age int
            id int
          } -->
          rahim := Student{"Anisul", 32,1302020017}
          rahim.age = 30
        // passing struct in a function
        package main
        import "fmt"
        type Student struct {
          name string
          age int
          id int
        func displayInfo(s Student) {
        func main() {
          s1 := Student{"Anisul", 32, 1302020017}
        // if we need to change data
        package main
        import "fmt"
        type Student struct {
          name string
          age int
          id int
        func (x *Student) increaseAge(val int) {
          x.age += val
        func main() {
          s1 := Student{"Anisul Islam", 32}
        // timer app
        // Employee management app

 31. Arrays & slices data types

  • array is fixed in Go
  • var arrayName[size] dataType
  • only the same data type in one array
  • var array_name = [length]datatype{values} // here length is defined
  • array index starts with 0
  • what if we dont know the size of array then we will use slice; allows us to use dynamic size
  • append(sliceName, sliceNewValue)


here I will share my Go programming knowledge with you.






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