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feat: make binders in #check be hoverable (leanprover#7074)
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This PR modifies the signature pretty printer to add hover information
for parameters in binders. This makes the binders be consistent with the
hovers in pi types.

Suggested by @david-christiansen
  • Loading branch information
kmill authored and tobiasgrosser committed Feb 16, 2025
1 parent c31d3e2 commit c5f1313
Showing 1 changed file with 24 additions and 11 deletions.
35 changes: 24 additions & 11 deletions src/Lean/PrettyPrinter/Delaborator/Builtins.lean
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -1386,25 +1386,38 @@ where
let e@(.forallE n d e' i) ← getExpr | unreachable!
let n ← if bindingNames.contains n then withFreshMacroScope <| MonadQuotation.addMacroScope n else pure n
let bindingNames := bindingNames.insert n
let stxN := mkIdent n
let curIds := curIds.push ⟨stxN⟩
if shouldGroupWithNext bindingNames e e' then
withBindingBody n <| delabParamsAux bindingNames idStx groups curIds
withBindingBody' n (mkAnnotatedIdent n) fun stxN =>
delabParamsAux bindingNames idStx groups (curIds.push stxN)
let group ← withBindingDomain do
`mkGroup` constructs binder syntax for the binder names `curIds : Array Ident`, which all have the same type and binder info.
This being a function is solving the following issue:
- To get the last binder name, we need to be under `withBindingBody'`, which lets us annotate the binder with its fvar.
- However, we should delaborate the binder type from outside `withBindingBody'`.
- Thus, we need to partially construct the binder syntax, waiting on the final value of `curIds`.
let mkGroup : Array Ident → DelabM Syntax ← withBindingDomain do
match i with
| .implicit => `(bracketedBinderF|{$curIds* : $(← delabTy)})
| .strictImplicit => `(bracketedBinderF|⦃$curIds* : $(← delabTy)⦄)
| .instImplicit => `(bracketedBinderF|[$stxN : $(← delabTy)])
| .implicit => let ty ← delabTy; pure fun curIds => `(bracketedBinderF|{$curIds* : $ty})
| .strictImplicit => let ty ← delabTy; pure fun curIds => `(bracketedBinderF|⦃$curIds* : $ty⦄)
| .instImplicit => let ty ← delabTy; pure fun curIds => `(bracketedBinderF|[$(curIds[0]!) : $ty])
| _ =>
if d.isOptParam then
`(bracketedBinderF|($curIds* : $(← withAppFn <| withAppArg delabTy) := $(← withAppArg delabTy)))
let ty ← withAppFn <| withAppArg delabTy
let val ← withAppArg delabTy
pure fun curIds => `(bracketedBinderF|($curIds* : $ty := $val))
else if let some (.const tacticDecl _) := d.getAutoParamTactic? then
let ty ← withAppFn <| withAppArg delabTy
let tacticSyntax ← ofExcept <| evalSyntaxConstant (← getEnv) (← getOptions) tacticDecl
`(bracketedBinderF|($curIds* : $(← withAppFn <| withAppArg delabTy) := by $tacticSyntax))
pure fun curIds => `(bracketedBinderF|($curIds* : $ty := by $tacticSyntax))
`(bracketedBinderF|($curIds* : $(← delabTy)))
withBindingBody n <| delabParams bindingNames idStx (groups.push group)
let ty ← delabTy
pure fun curIds => `(bracketedBinderF|($curIds* : $ty))
withBindingBody' n (mkAnnotatedIdent n) fun stxN => do
let curIds := curIds.push stxN
let group ← mkGroup curIds
delabParams bindingNames idStx (groups.push group)
Given the forall `e` with body `e'`, determines if the binder from `e'` (if it is a forall) should be grouped with `e`'s binder.
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