This is a concurrent directory traversal library. It returns each entry via a channel or via a caller supplied function (ie callback). In either case, the caller can specify what entries are interesting:
- Files
- Directories
- Special files (symlinks, device nodes etc.)
- All of the above
It can optionally follow symlinks and detect mount-point crossings.
Here is an example program:
dirs := []string{"/etc", "/usr", "/bin", "/sbin", "/lib"}
opt := walk.Options{
OneFS: true,
Type: walk.FILE,
FollowSymlinks: true,
ch, errch := walk.Walk(dirs, &opt)
go func() {
for err := range errch {
fmt.Printf("walk: error: %s\n", err)
// harvest results
for r := range ch {
fmt.Printf("%s: %d bytes\n", r.Path, r.Stat.Size())
Here is an example using the WalkFunc()
dirs := []string{"/etc", "/usr", "/bin", "/sbin", "/lib"}
opt := walk.Options{
OneFS: true,
Type: walk.FILE,
FollowSymlinks: true,
err := walk.WalkFunc(dirs, &opt, func(r walk.Result) error {
fmt.Printf("%s: %d bytes\n", r.Path, r.Stat.Size())
if err != nil {
fmt.Printf("errors: %s\n", err)
go-progs is a collection of go tools
- many of which use this library.
The tool and code is licensed under the terms of the GNU Public License v2.0 (strictly v2.0). If you need a commercial license or a different license, please get in touch with me.
See the file LICENSE
for the full terms of the license.