Kubernetes example config is using the old TLS config #4247
The Kubernetes example config is currently using the old squashed TLS configuration, which causes pods to fail with:
2021-10-22T11:44:16.540Z info service/collector.go:303 Starting otelcol... {"Version": "v0.33.0-50-g0594aa1a", "NumCPU": 6}
2021-10-22T11:44:16.540Z warn service/collector.go:312 `mem-ballast-size-mib` command line option has been deprecated. Please use `ballast extension` instead!
2021-10-22T11:44:16.540Z info service/collector.go:242 Loading configuration...
Error: cannot load configuration: error reading exporters configuration for otlp: 1 error(s) decoding:
* '' has invalid keys: tls
2021/10/22 11:44:16 collector server run finished with error: cannot load configuration: error reading exporters configuration for otlp: 1 error(s) decoding:
* '' has invalid keys: tls
Steps to reproduce:
minikube start --vm-driver kvm2 --cpus 6 --memory 20480 --container-runtime=crio --addons=ingress --addons=metrics-server
- kubectl apply -f https://raw.githubusercontent.com/open-telemetry/opentelemetry-collector/main/examples/k8s/otel-config.yaml
- kubectl logs deployments/otel-collector