##Selected papers on general machine intelligence
B Rohrer, BECCA: Reintegrating AI for natural world interaction, AAAI Spring Symposium on Designing Intelligent Robots: Reintegrating AI 2012
B Rohrer, Biologically inspired feature creation for multi-sensory perception, BICA 2011
B Rohrer, A developmental agent for learning features, environment models, and general robotics tasks, ICDL/Epirob 2011
B Rohrer, Accelerating progress in Artificial General Intelligence: Choosing a benchmark for natural world interaction, Journal of Artificial General Intelligence, 2:1-28, 2010
- B Rohrer, Becca version 8, A deep reinforcement learner, 2016
N Malone, A Faust, B Rohrer, R Lumia, J Wood, L Tapia, Efficient Motion-based Task Learning for a Serial Link Manipulator, Transaction on Control and Mechanical Systems, 2014
B Rohrer, An appeal for declaring research goals. Response to: Cognitive architectures and autonomy, Journal of Artificial General Intelligence 3(2):31-63, 2012
B Rohrer, Concept acquisition for dialog agents, International Journal of Computational Linguistics Research, 1(3):189-201, 2010
B Rohrer, Accelerating progress in Artificial General Intelligence: Choosing a benchmark for natural world interaction, Journal of Artificial General Intelligence, 2:1-28, 2010
N Hogan, HI Krebs, B Rohrer, JJ Palazzolo, L Dipietro, SE Fasoli, J Stein, WR Frontera, BT Volpe, Motions or muscles? Some behavioral factors underlying robotic assistance of motor recovery, Journal of Rehabilitation Research and Development, 43(5):605-618, 2006
KD Peterson, KD Patel, CK Ho, BR Rohrer, CD Nordquist, BD Wroblewski, KB Pfeifer, LTCC microsystems and microsystem packaging, Journal of Microelectronics and Electronic Packaging, 3(3):109-120, 2006
B Rohrer, N Hogan, Avoiding spurious submovement decompositions II: A scattershot algorithm, Biological Cybernetics, 94(5):409-414, 2006
B Rohrer, S Fasoli, HI Krebs, R Hughes, B Volpe, J Stein, WR Frontera, N Hogan, Submovements grow larger, fewer, and more blended during stroke recovery, Motor Control, 8(4):472-483, 2004
B Rohrer, N Hogan, Avoiding spurious submovement decompositions: A globally optimal algorithm, Biological Cybernetics, 89:190-199, 2003
B Rohrer, S Fasoli, HI Krebs, R Hughes, B Volpe, J Stein, WR Frontera, N Hogan, Movement smoothness changes during stroke recovery, Journal of Neuroscience, 22:8297-8304, 2002
HI Krebs, BT Volpe, M Ferraro, S Fasoli, J Palazzolo, B Rohrer, L Edelstein, N Hogan, Robot-aided neurorehabilitation: From evidence-based to science-based rehabilitation, Topics in Stroke Rehabilitation, 8(4):54-70, 2002
J Won, B Rohrer, N Hogan, The stability and control of physical interaction, International Journal of Intelligent Mechatronics: Design and Production, 4(1):5-33, 1999
B Rohrer, Data Science for Absolutely Everybody (video), MLADS Spring 2016
B Rohrer, Deep Learning Demystified (video), ODSC Boston 2016
B Rohrer, How to Turn Your House into a Robot: An Adaptive Reinforcement Learning Algorithm for the Internet of Things (video), Strata+Hadoop San Jose 2016
B Rohrer, The Other Stuff: Turning Machine Learning into Data Science (video), MLADS Winter 2015
JD Doak, J Ingram, J Shelburg, J Johnson, B Rohrer, Active Learning for Alert Triage, ICMLA 2013
N Malone, A Faust, B Rohrer, J Wood, L Tapia, Efficient Motion-based Task Learning, IROS, Workshop on Robot Motion Planning: Online, Reactive, and in Real-Time 2012
LS Lincoln, M Quigley, B Rohrer, C Salisbury, J Wheeler, An optical 3D force sensor for biomedical devices, BioRob 2012
N Malone, B Rohrer, L Tapia, R Lumia, J Wood, Implementation of an embodied general reinforcement learner on a serial link manipulator, ICRA 2012
B Rohrer, BECCA: Reintegrating AI for natural world interaction, AAAI Spring Symposium on Designing Intelligent Robots: Reintegrating AI 2012
B Rohrer, Biologically inspired feature creation for multi-sensory perception, BICA 2011
JW Wheeler, J Dabling, D Chinn, T Turner, A Filatov, and B Rohrer, MEMS-Based Bubble Pressure Sensor for Prosthetic Socket Interface Pressure Measurement, EMBC 2011
F Rothganger, C Warrender, A Speed, B Rohrer, A Bier, D Trumbo, Connecting cognitive and neural models, BICA 2011
B Rohrer, A developmental agent for learning features, environment models, and general robotics tasks, ICDL/Epirob 2011
B Rohrer, An implemented architecture for feature creation and general reinforcement learning, Workshop on Self-Programming in AGI Systems, AGI 2011
B Rohrer, JD Morrow, F Rothganger, P Xavier, BECCA: A functional model of the human brain for arbitrary task learning, Grand Challenges in Neural Computation 2011
B Rohrer, JD Morrow, P Xavier, F Rothganger, BECCA: A BICA for arbitrary robots in unknown worlds, BICA 2010
B Rohrer, kx-trees: An unsupervised learning method for use in developmental agents, ICDL 2010
B Rohrer, What we might look for in an AGI benchmark, AGI 2010
B Rohrer, JD Morrow, F Rothganger, PG Xavier, Concepts from data, BICA 2009
B Rohrer, M Bernard, JD Morrow, F Rothganger, P Xavier, Model-free learning and control in a mobile robot, ICNC 2009
B Rohrer, S-learning: A model-free, case-based algorithm for robot learning and control, ICCBR, 2009
B Rohrer, Robust performance of autonomous robots in unstructured environments, ANS Winter Meeting 2008
B Rohrer, A unified architecture for cognition and motor control based on neuroanatomy, psychophysical experiments, and cognitive behaviors, BICA 2008
KA Peterson, RT Knudson, EJ Garcia, KD Patel, M Okandan, CK Ho, CD James, SB Rhode, BR Rohrer, F Smith, LR Zawicki, BD Wroblewski, LTCC in microelectronics, microsystems, and sensors, MIXDES 2008
B Rohrer, Robust performance of autonomous robots in unstructured environments, ANS EPR/RRS 2008
N Tran, B Rohrer, S Warnick, Alignment distance in path control, MSC 2007
K Peterson, K Patel, C Ho, S Rhode, B Rohrer, M Okandan, O Spahn, T Turner, D De Smet, LTCC in microsystems, IMAPS 2007
B Rohrer, S-learning: A sequence-based learning, memory, and control algorithm, Progress in Motor Control 2007
B Rohrer, S-learning: A biomimetic algorithm for learning, memory, and control in robots, EMBS Neural Engineering 2007
S Buerger, RH Olson III, KE Wojciechowski, S Yepez, D Novick, KA Peterson, T Turner, J Wheeler, B Rohrer, DK Kholwadwala, System design for sensory augmentation, EMBS Neural Engineering 2007
J Wheeler, R Craft, G Gilbert, K Hays, D Kholwadwala, B Rohrer, Autonomous combat casualty care: A roadmap for technology development, American Telemedicine Association 2006
KA Peterson, KD Patel, CK Ho, BR Rohrer, CD Nordquist, BD Wroblewski, KB Pfiefer, LTCC microsystems and microsystem packaging and integration applications, CICMT 2006
B Rohrer, S Hulet, A learning and control approach based on the human neuromotor system, BioRob 2006
J Wheeler, B Rohrer, D Kholwadwala, J Neely, S Buerger, C Hobart, R Givler, P Galambos, In-sole MEMS pressure sensing for a lower-extremity exoskeleton, BioRob 2006
B Rohrer, D Kholwadwala, Systems integration in prosthetics, TATRC IRT on Neural Prosthetics 2005
S Hulet, B Rohrer, S Warnick, A study in pattern assimilation for adaptation and control, JCIS 2005
B Rohrer, S Hulet, A discrete-time model of human motor learning, IGS 2005
B Rohrer, D Kholwadwala, Transitioning technology to pediatric critical care, NIH Workshop on Pediatric Innovative Technologies 2005
B Rohrer, S Fasoli, HI Krebs, B Volpe, J Stein, WR Frontera, N Hogan, Submovement overlap as a measure of movement smoothness, IGS 2003
B Rohrer, HI Krebs, B Volpe, J Stein, WR Frontera, N Hogan, Patterns in stroke patients' submovements support a paired adaptive forward/inverse learning model, SFN Advances in Motor Control Symposium 2002
B Rohrer, S Fasoli, HI Krebs, R Hughes, B Volpe, WR Frontera, J Stein, N Hogan, Movement smoothness measures stroke recovery, AAN 2002
B Rohrer, S Fasoli, HI Krebs, R Hughes, B Volpe, J Stein, WR Frontera, N Hogan, Movement smoothness changes during stroke recovery, Progress in Motor Control 2001
HI Krebs, B Volpe, J Palazzolo, B Rohrer, M Ferraro, S Fasoli, L Edelstein, N Hogan, Robot-aided neuro-rehabilitation in stroke: Interim results on the follow-up of 76 patients and on movement performance indices, ICRR 2001
B Rohrer, The Other Stuff: Getting from Machine Learning to Data Science, The Data Science Conference, Chicago, Illinois, Nov 11, 2015
B Rohrer, Closing the loop: A scalable ensemble reinforcement learning algorithm for the internet of things, AI Ukraine 2015, Kharkov, Ukraine, Sep 12, 2015
B Rohrer, Dimensions of Machine Intelligence, KNME Science Cafe, KNME Studios, Albuquerque, New Mexico, Nov 17, 2012
B Rohrer, Robots in the wild: A general learning agent for natural world interaction, Computer Science Colloquium, University of New Mexico, Albuquerque, New Mexico, Apr 28, 2011
B Rohrer, A general learning approach for mobile robots, MARHES Laboratory, University of New Mexico, Albuquerque, New Mexico, Apr 27, 2010
B Rohrer, Motor control during stroke recovery, Gatsby Computational Neuroscience Unit, University College London, London, England, Mar 30, 2010
B Rohrer, Concept acquisition for dialog agents, Symposium on Linguistic and Cognitive Approaches to Dialog Agents, AISB 2010
B Rohrer, Trying to make smarter machines: A description of a brain-emulating cognition and control architecture (BECCA), Global COE Seminar, Hokkaido University, Sapporo, Japan, Feb 16, 2010
B Rohrer, Robust performance of autonomous robots in unstructured environments, ANS Winter Meeting 2008
##Book Chapters
T Appel, R Fierro, B Rohrer, R Lumia, J Wood, A learning strategy for source tracking in unstructured environments, Reinforcement Learning and Approximate Dynamic Programming for Feedback Control, Ed. FL Lewis, D Liu. John Wiley and Sons (in press)
B Rohrer, S Hulet, BECCA: A Brain Emulating Cognition and Control Architecture, Progress in Biological Cybernetics Research, Ed. DA De Jong. Nova Publishers, 2008. pp 1-38
N Hogan, Hi Krebs, B Rohrer, S Fasoli, J Stein, B Volpe, Technology for recovery after stroke, Recovery after Stroke, Ed. MP Barnes, BH Dobkin, J Bogousslavsky. New York: Cambridge University Press, 2005. pp 604-622
HI Krebs, B Volpe, J Palazzolo, B Rohrer, M Ferraro, S Fasoli, L Edelstein, N Hogan, Robot-aided neuro-rehabilitation in stroke: Interim results on the follow-up of 76 patients and on movement performance indices, Integration of Assistive Technology in the Information Age, Assistive Technology Research Series, Ed. M Mokhtari. Amsterdam: IOS Press, 2001
##Technical Reports
B Rohrer, JD Morrow, FH Rothganger, PG Xavier, JS Wagner, Final Report for LDRD Project 11-0783: Directed Robots for Increased Military Manpower Effectiveness, Sandia Technical Report SAND2011-7348, 2011
FH Rothganger, BR Rohrer, SJ Verzi, PG Xavier, Modeling Cortical Circuits, Sandia Technical Report SAND2010-6389, 2010
KW Larson, MJ Procopio, AI Gonzales, DM Melgaard, F Rothganger, DS Myers, and BR Rohrer, Image Data Processing for Integrated Circuit Analysis, Sandia Technical Report SAND2009-8404, 2009
E Yepez, BR Rohrer, TS Turner, RH Olsson. JW Wheeler, DK Kholwadwala, DK Novick, KA Peterson, SP Buerger, K Wojciechowski Portable, chronic neural interface system design for sensory augmentation, Sandia Technical Report SAND2007-2781C, 2007
KA Peterson, SB Rohde, KD Patel, C Ho, CD Nordquist, CA Walker, BR Rohrer, S Buerger, TS Turner, B Wroblewski, M Okandan, KB Pfeifer, D de Smet, Macro-Meso-Microsystems Integration in LTCC LDRD Report, Sandia Technical Report SAND2007-1871, 2007
KN Groom, R Bickerstaff, EKP Chong, LW Krakow, GA Laguna, RH Byrne, DG Wilson, RD Robinett III, JJ Harrington, BJ Rigdon, BR Rohrer, Design Tools for Complex Security Systems, Sandia Technical Report SAND2007-0433, 2006
B Rohrer, Neural Interface Evaluation: Conceptual Design Study for the Next Generation of Brain-Machine Interfaces, Sandia Technical Report SAND2006-7150, 2006
B Rohrer, S Buerger, D Kholwadwala, Designing a Novel Cuff Electrode Interface with the Peripheral Nervous System, Sandia Technical Report SAND2006-7338, 2006
B Rohrer, J Wheeler, D Kholwadwala, S Buerger, Small-Scale Power Supplies for Implantable Microsystems, Sandia Technical Report SAND2005-6547, 2005
JF Jones, B Rohrer, BS Swartzentruber, Nano-Robotic Research and Development at Sandia National Laboratories, Sandia Technical Report 2004-5338C, 2004
B Rohrer, Development of the Augmented Musculature Device, Sandia Technical Report 2004-5377, 2004
GA Knorovsky, BM Nowak-Neely, DO MacCallum, JF Jones, B Rohrer, Microjoining in an Enhanced SEM, Sandia Technical Report 2004-6006C, 2004
B Rohrer, T Pankretz, Development of Augmented Musculature Device, Sandia Technical Report SAND 2003-5377, 2004
B Rohrer, JF Jones, B Swartzentruber, In Preparation for Rigid-Body Manipulation of Carbon Nanotubes, Sandia Technical Report 2003-3472, 2003
H Anderson, JW Wheeler, J Helms, KW Larson, BR Rohrer, Sparse Sampling and Reconstruction for Electron and Scanning Probe Microscope Imaging, 2015. US Patent No. 9,093,249
JF Jones, BA Kast, MW Kniskern, SE Rose, BR Rohrer, JW Woods, RW Greene, Small Caliber Guided Projectile, 2010. US Patent No. 7,781,709
DK Kholwadwala, BR Rohrer, BL Spletzer, PC Galambos, JW Wheeler, CG Hobart, and RC Givler, Microelectro-Mechanical System (MEMS) Pressure Sensor for Footwear, 2008. US Patent No. 7,426,873
DK Kholwadwala, GA Johnson, BR Rohrer, PC Galambos, M Okandan, MEMS Fluidic Actuator, 2007. US Patent No. 7,246,524
B Rohrer, Evolution of Movement Smoothness and Submovement Patterns in Persons with Stroke, PhD Thesis, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 2002
B Rohrer, Study of Adaptation in Amputees, MS Thesis, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 1999
B Rohrer, Data Science and Robots (multiple), Blog.
B Rohrer, [Brandon Rohrer's Channel (multiple)] (https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCsBKTrp45lTfHa_p49I2AEQ), YouTube.
B Rohrer, Machine learning examples (multiple), Microsoft Cortana Analytics Gallery.
B Rohrer, [KDnuggets reposts (multiple)] (http://www.kdnuggets.com/author/brandon-rohrer), KDnuggets blog.
B Rohrer, [Data Science for Beginners video 5: Copy other people's work to do data science] (https://azure.microsoft.com/en-us/documentation/articles/machine-learning-data-science-for-beginners-copy-other-peoples-work-to-do-data-science/), Microsoft Azure documentation page, Jun 30, 2016.
B Rohrer, [Data Science for Beginners video 4: Predict an answer with a simple model] (https://azure.microsoft.com/en-us/documentation/articles/machine-learning-data-science-for-beginners-predict-an-answer-with-a-simple-model/), Microsoft Azure documentation page, Jun 29, 2016.
B Rohrer, [Data Science for Beginners video 3: Ask a question you can answer with data] (https://azure.microsoft.com/en-us/documentation/articles/machine-learning-data-science-for-beginners-ask-a-question-you-can-answer-with-data/), Microsoft Azure documentation page, Jun 28, 2016.
B Rohrer, [Data Science for Beginners video 2: Is your data ready for data science?] (https://azure.microsoft.com/en-us/documentation/articles/machine-learning-data-science-for-beginners-is-your-data-ready-for-data-science/), Microsoft Azure documentation page, Jun 27, 2016.
B Rohrer, [Data Science for Beginners video 1: The 5 questions data science answers] (https://azure.microsoft.com/en-us/documentation/articles/machine-learning-data-science-for-beginners-the-5-questions-data-science-answers/), Microsoft Azure documentation page, Jun 24, 2016.
B Rohrer, [A Pocket Guide to Data Science] (http://brohrer.github.io/pocket_guide_data_science.html), blog post, Apr 5, 2016.
B Rohrer, [A One-Step Program for Becoming a Data Scientist] (http://brohrer.github.io/one_step_program_become_data_scientist.html), blog post, Jan 24, 2016.
B Rohrer, [You Can Stop Chasing Unicorns] (http://brohrer.github.io/stop_chasing_unicorns.html), blog post, Dec 15, 2016.
B Rohrer, Data Science for the Rest of Us, webinar, Dec 2, 2015.
B Rohrer, [Getting Dollars from Data: Fueling Business Value with Data Science] (http://blogs.technet.com/b/machinelearning/archive/2015/10/06/getting-dollars-from-data-fueling-business-value-with-data-science.aspx), Microsoft Machine Learning Blog, Oct 6, 2015.
B Rohrer, [How to Find an Algorithm that Fits] (http://blogs.technet.com/b/machinelearning/archive/2015/09/22/how-to-find-an-algorithm-that-fits.aspx), Microsoft Machine Learning Blog, Sep 22, 2015.
B Rohrer, [Which Algorithm Family Can Solve My Question?] (http://blogs.technet.com/b/machinelearning/archive/2015/09/01/which-algorithm-family-can-answer-my-question.aspx), Microsoft Machine Learning Blog, Sep 1, 2015.
B Rohrer, [What Types of Questions Can Data Science Answer?] (http://blogs.technet.com/b/machinelearning/archive/2015/08/27/what-types-of-questions-can-data-science-answer.aspx), Microsoft Machine Learning Blog, Aug 27, 2015. [Reposted] (http://www.kdnuggets.com/2015/09/questions-data-science-can-answer.html/1), KDNuggets, Oct 3, 2015.
B Rohrer, [What Can Data Science Do For Me?] (http://blogs.technet.com/b/machinelearning/archive/2015/08/26/what-can-data-science-do-for-me.aspx), Microsoft Machine Learning Blog, Aug 26, 2015.
B Rohrer, [Machine learning algorithm cheat sheet for Microsoft Azure Machine Learning Studio] (https://azure.microsoft.com/en-us/documentation/articles/machine-learning-algorithm-cheat-sheet/), Microsoft Azure Documentation, Aug 10, 2015.
B Rohrer, [How to choose algorithms for Microsoft Azure Machine Learning] (https://azure.microsoft.com/en-us/documentation/articles/machine-learning-algorithm-choice/), Microsoft Azure Documentation, Aug 10, 2015.
S Olson, Researcher predicts AIs with dog-level intelligence within a decade, Next Big Future, Jan 3, 2012.
A Kruel, Q&A with experts on risks from AI #1, LessWrong, Jan 8, 2012.
##Advisory Board
- The Data Science Conference Advisory Board
- Industry Professional Advisory Council (IPAC) for the Department of Computer Science and Networking at Wentworth Institute of Technology
##Editorial Board
- Journal of Artificial General Intelligence
- Biologically Inspired Cognitive Architectures
- IEEE CIS ETTC Task Force: Towards Human-like Intelligence
- ANSI/RIA R15.06 Robot Safety Committee
##Core Organizing Committee
- 2016 Artificial General Intelligence Conference, New York, USA
- 2012 Artificial General Intelligence Conference, Oxford, England
- 2011 AAAI Biologically-Inspired Cognitive Architectures Conference, Arlington, VA, USA
- 2011 Artificial General Intelligence Conference, Mountain View, CA, USA
##Program Committee
- 2014 IROS Workshop on Machine Learning in Planning and Controls, Chicago, IL, USA
- 2013 IEEE Symposium on Computational Intelligence for Human-like Intelligence, Special Session on Embodied Artificial General Intelligence, Singapore
- 2012 AAAI Biologically-Inspired Cognitive Architectures Conference, Palermo, Italy
- 2012 Intl Conf on Development and Learning and Epigenetic Robotics, San Diego, CA, USA
- 2010 AAAI Biologically-Inspired Cognitive Architectures Conference, Arlington, VA, USA
- 2010 Artificial General Intelligence Conference, Lugano, Italy
- 2009 AAAI Biologically-Inspired Cognitive Architectures Symposium, Arlington, VA, USA
- 2005 IEEE/ASME International Conference on Advanced Intelligent Mechatrontics, Monterey, CA, USA
- Action Editor for PS Rosenbloom, A Demski, V Ustun, The Sigma Cognitive Architecture and System: Towards Functionally Elegant Grand Unification, Journal of Artificial General Intelligence, 2016
- Human Movement Science
- IEEE Transactions on Automation Science and Engineering
- IEEE Transactions on Autonomous Mental Development
- IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering
- IEEE Transactions on Neural Systems and Rehabilitation Engineering
- Journal of Aritificial General Intelligence
- Journal of Biomechanics
- Journal of Neurological Sciences
- Motor Control