Flow Results: row_id needs uniqueness within a Package #1228
The Ona API docs for the Flow Results endpoints say:
It is expected that the row_id should be the same for records that represent one submission or interaction throw a full Flow. For example where a Flow captures the name, age and place of birth of persions in attendance, the row_id of a single persion should be the same.
whereas the Flow Results spec requires row_id to be unique for every individual data point in the package. This is because a Flow Results "row" is for a single question response, unlike an XForm/ODK "row" in a CSV, where a row is a submission of multiple question responses.
The concept of an ID for submissions could be helpful, although separate from row_id: We're discussing what to do with "session IDs" here: FLOIP/flow-results#5
Aha! Link: https://ona.aha.io/features/PROD-454