Installs and configures an express app built with typescript
This role installs and configures:
- node
- yarn
- pm2
- and other node packages that the app is dependent on
We intentionally consider the installation and configuration of web servers, and other things as out of scope for this role. Therefore, naturally this role is to be used in a playbook that installs and configures those other things, if you need them.
Some of the more important variables are briefly described below. You can see all variables by looking at the defaults/main.yml
express_system_user: "express" # name of the user that will own the django installation
express_node_version: 10.x # the version of node to install
express_git_url: "" # the git repo of your django app which we are installing
Create express app supports custom environment variables and this role does too!
You can set custom environment variables by using the express_app_settings
variable, like so:
SOME_VARIABLE: "you can put anything here"
This project uses molecule for testing using a docker driver and testinfra as the verifier
Start by creating a virtual environment and install the pypi packages in requirements.txt
Then to run the full test sequence
molecule test