'git clone https://github.com/omerkincal/abas-erp.git'
Do not forget to enter the password and username of your mysql server in the application.yml file. Run the sql queries required to add the dummy data from inside the test folder.
Open a terminal in the project directory and run: 'mvn spring-boot:run' Access the application through the browser at http://localhost:8080 after starting.
Import the project into your preferred IDE (IntelliJ IDEA, Eclipse, etc.). Run the main application file to start the application. Access the application through the browser at http://localhost:8080 after starting.
Get http://localhost:8080/orders/{orderId} , http://localhost:8080/products Post http://localhost:8080/products
In this get request we are receiving products by orderId.
In this post request we are sending product request to backend and receiving product response with it's unique id.