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Repository files navigation

Project Setup

Clone the repository

$ git clone

Switch to the repo folder

$ cd turing-app-back

Install all the dependencies using composer

$ composer install

Copy the example env file and make the required configuration changes in the .env file

$ cp .env.example .env
$ cp .env.example .env.testing

Environment variables

  • .env - Environment variables can be set in this file for development
  • .env.testing - Environment variables can be set in this file for testting

Database Setup

$ mysql -u root

> create database dev
> create database test
> exit

$ cd database/db
$ mysql -u root dev  < shop.sql
$ mysql -u root test  < shop.sql

$ php artisan migrate

Generate a new application key

$ php artisan key:generate

Generate a new JWT authentication secret key

$ php artisan jwt:generate

Run your tests

$ composer test

Testing API

Run the laravel development server

$ php artisan serve


This applications uses JSON Web Token (JWT) to handle authentication. The token is passed with each request using the API-KEY header with Bearer token scheme. The JWT authentication middleware handles the validation and authentication of the token.


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