This is an email ticketing system for handling IDR data submissions. The primary aim is to manage multiple complex email threads concerning data submissions to the IDR.
- All emails should be visible by the OME team
- Any member of the public should be able to email the system
- Emails may contain confidential information and must not be visible to others
- Emails should be sent and received via a dedicated email address
- OME team members email addresses should not be visible to data submitters
This application is deployed on Kubernetes using Helm along with the manifests in k8s.
To run this:
- Add your PostgreSQL and GMail credentials to secret-config.yaml.example
- Change pv-nfs.yml to point to a persistent volume
- Create the Kubernetes namespace:
kubectl create namespace idr-redmine
- Create the Kubernetes secrets: Copy template file in
and runkubectl -n idr-redmine apply -f k8s
These are not currently managed using Helm since at present the private configuration may be stored in a non-accessible location - Install the application using Helm:
helm upgrade --install idr-redmine ./chart/
- Note the purpose of this Helm chart is to manage internal applications using standard tools, and in the current state is not customisable, nor does it follow best practice for a public chart.