- The postcode system in Germany has been unified after the Reunification (effective by 03/10/1990).
- All postcodes are 5-digits long.
- The 5-digits postcodes are geographically organised (from North to South).
- The state borders do not always correspond with postal code areas.
Scrap the website http://germany.postcode.info/ and collect all postcode information in a semicolon (';') separated file (./scraper/postcodes.de
) for Germany.
The results contains the following information:
- Municipality (Ort)
- 5-digits postcode (Plz)
- State (Lander)
- District (Kreise)
- GPS coordinates Latitude
- GPS coordinates Longitude
Link the data with interractive geo-maping:
- https://www.openstreetmap.org/
- https://geopandas.readthedocs.io/en/latest/gallery/plotting_basemap_background.html
- https://towardsdatascience.com/easy-steps-to-plot-geographic-data-on-a-map-python-11217859a2db
- https://towardsdatascience.com/loading-data-from-openstreetmap-with-python-and-the-overpass-api-513882a27fd0
pip install -r requirements.txt
cd ./scraper
scraper crawl postcodes
- There are 16 Landers in Germany
- There are 8,132 different postcodes
- Some major cities does not have Kreise (Kreisefrei)
- There are around 11,000 municipalities in Germany
- The generated files contains 16,481 rows
- With
, the scraper runs in 3 minutes instead of 9 hours