This library contains a number of advanced components and layout managers the Java Swing framework is missing.
Just like in Outlook, a slider on the left opens and closes menu options
This component is a text area which has a special bottom right corner. When a user hovers over this corner, it can be dragged, and the whole component can then have its size readjusted. You see this component a lot in web pages.
It's a standard JTree with a textfield on the top. As the user types in the textfield, the tree branches are filtered. Quite common in IDEs like Eclipse.
At a fixed number column to a JTable. Makes it look like an Excel Sheet.
Takes a table row in a JTable and displays it in a dialog
Display an exception inside your error dialog
Download the .jar
file and optionally the source code and the javadoc from the latest [release] ( and add it to your class path.
Go to, select the build system you are using and paste the code into your configuration.