Simple GUI to analyze residual deformations from experiments. This is an old project which I used to create GUI by using tkinter.
- install anaconda or miniconda with python
- download zip of this repo (or use git as described bellow)
- unzip
- open
in the folderresidual_deformations
- run
- GUI should appear -> follow
Steps to analyze image
git clone
- Optional: create new virtual environment
- Install packages
pip install -r requirements.txt
Experiments are performed at Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Institute of solid mechanics, mechatronics and biomechanis.
- experiment is described as an appendix in my thesis TODO
Upload image
- find the image which should be analyzed- Select if the image is from Basler camera and setup or do calibration
Select boundary
- You should click and drag around the region of interest
- Press
- Left click some points on the outer boundary of the segment
- points should start and end on the edges to have a whole segment
- Press
- Left click some points on the inner boundary
- points should start and end on the edges to have a whole segment
- select number of points and press
- Select if the segment is cutted or full ring
- Press
Draw results
- image of with boundaries should appear
- results are showed and saved with the same name as is the filename
- Once the segment is analysed the window needs to be closed (file -> exit) and the process needs be unfortunatelly repeated for new sample